Yes its finally time to announce the winners for my giveaway, But first I have to say Thank you all for your kind words, you really know how to make a girl feel special! I am overwhelmed at the response to my giveaway!
The best part of doing this was getting a chance to visit each and every one of your blogs. I am truly amazed at all the incredible talent out there. I do hope you stick around, at least for awhile!
Now you know I couldn't just giveaway the things I've shown. I want to Thank a few special loyal followers with a little RAK. I went through several of my past posts and picked the ladies who have been so kind with their words and comments. Here they are
1st is Linda from Studio L 3
Oh my Linda has commented on almost every post since I don't know when. Thank you sweet Linda.
2nd is Lori fromThinkin bout Inkin This gal can really make you laugh!
3rd is Kim from Inspiration of The day Kim is so sweet and fairly new to blogging, what a great friend she has become!
But I couldn't stop there. These ladies were in a close second so Here's 3 more for a little RAK.
Lesley at Paperlicious Delicious A sweet lady from across the pond.
Louise fromkard krazyA friend from the start. She heads up Tag Tuesday, Why not join in this week!
And last but not least Dawn from Crafty Dawn. Her smile on her avatar just shows her sweet nature.
Thank you all for being so supportive I promise you won't be disappointed with your RAK!! Stop by and say hi to these Talented ladies!!! There are so many more of you but I had to stop somewhere!
Well on with the show!!! I used the random # generator to pick the winner from all the comments and
The winner of the custom made cuff bracelet goes to...........
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
#304 - Littlefoot- Linda
Timestamp: 2010-05-11 06:02:54 UTC
Next are the Three extra pieces ,the jewelry and altered book. The first place winner will have first choice,the second picks second and the third gets whats leftover. Again used the random # generator to do the picking. The winner's are...
1st Erica- Zunky Chic #182
2nd- Suze Q #225
3rd.Jocelyn- Simply Me #138
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
182 225 138
Timestamp: 2010-05-11 06:12:41 UTC
Now for the biggie. Wow that's a lot of #'s to pick from, everyone one of my followers and all the comments left on the original post.
My Vintage blog candy goes to...................
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-05-11 06:14:00 UTC
Ali Manning
So all you winners please contact me so I can get your address and mail off your prizes.
If for some reason I am unable to reach any of the winners. I will redraw after 72 hours. Thank You all again and stick around you just never know when I'll be doing another giveaway!
Congratulations Everyone
You have such a beautiful giving spirit Lynn, I am so happy for the winners, congratulations ladies :)
Wow Lynne, you are so generous with your giveaways! Congratulations to all the winners!
Congratulations Lucky Winners!!!!! What a Beautiful Giveaway!!
Wow, so many winners - congrats to you all.
I'm so glad I found this site as there is a lot of wonderful inspiration to be had here, so I will certainly be remaining a follower.
Toni :o)
Congrats to all! Lori is a HOOT!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Congratulations to all the lucky ladies! How sweet of you to think of your dedicated followers! I am sure they will all be very please with your amazing work and goodies!
Well done all the winners, and what a generous blogger you are Lynn ...
Awwww, Lynn, you're so sweet! Glad I make you laugh! Thanks so much, I'm sure I will LOVE and CHERISH my RAK FOREVER! And congratulations to all the winners, isn't Lynn the most generous, EVER???
Congratulations to all of the winners!
Elaine Allen
You are such a sweetheart, Lynn! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for RAK-ing me! It's certainly no necessary, since I love looking at your blog and get inspired every time I do, but...I'm thrilled! What a talented *and* generous person you are. ♥
I just read about your giveaway on another blog ~ too late to enter ~ but I'm sure glad I was led to your blog! It's wonderful and I can't wait to do some more exploring!!
Congrats to all your winners!!
This was such an awesome giveaway - congrats to all the VERY lucky winners!
Congrats, ladies!! As the previous winner of a gift from Lynn, I can surely attest that her creations are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Congratulations to all the RAK winners!
Lynn, thanks again for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous RAKS - thanks too for all the inspiration!
Congratulations to all of you; and to Lynn for being so generous.
Lucky ladies, well done!
Well that was so nice of you, that was a great giveaway! Congrats to all the lucky ladies out there who won!
Have a great day!
Hugs, Linda
Congrats to all of the lucky winners - and Lynne, I'll definitely be sticking around as I love your fabulous blog and beautiful artwork!
My gosh, your generosity is amazing, you are going to be making a whole lot of people very happy! you must have a happy heart! Congrats to the lucky winners!
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you Lynn for your kind comments that you leave and your inspiration
hugs from Daniele
Lynn, this was such a wonderful giveaway of gorgeous blog candy! Sending congrats to the winners and to all of your loyal followers...truly our gift is the lovely art you share with us!
bless you,
Oh My Goodness....this is my lucky week...I get a Birthday Present from you!!!! YIPPEE!!!
Thank you sooooo much!!!
congrats to all the winners
congratulations to one and all well done ladies hugs janet
Congratulations, everyone. Thanks again Lynn for your generous giveaway.
Well done to the worthy winners and thanks Lynne for the very generous prizes. x
Congrat's to ALL the winners!
Thank you for having a giveaway.
Deb :)
Congratulations to all the winners. Such a generous soul your are Lynne to giveaway so much to so many. Happy creating...
CONGRATULATIONS to all of your winning followers; they will not be disappointed with your art and will appreciate your generosity.
The real prize has been finding your blog, lovely palce to visit
best wishes
Hi Lynn,
what a giving spirit you are - such a beautiful giveaway.
Congrats to the winners.
Have a great day
Congratulations everyone who won RAKs and the Grand Prize. So thoughtful of you Lynn to give away so much of your artwork and goodies. And yes, Lori, is a hoot.
Wooohoooo, congrats, Ladies!!! I "know" several of the winners through visits to their gorgeous blogs, so I know all of these lovely goodies are well-deserved and will be beautifully used!
My heartiest congratulations to all the winners and I do hope that you will leave a comment on here now and again so that I can visit and see what you create with your fabulous prizes.
Of course I will continue to visit and post - and also blog hop to others who comment too.
Keep creating- your work is awesome, and thank you so much for the chance to join in the fun and excitement of you giveaway
You left a comment on my Blog saying you do stained glass, do you have any examples? I'm a beginner so always looking for ideas.
Congratulations to the lucky winners! This has to be the most beautiful giveaway ever!
Wow - I never win anything - thanks so much Lynne - I'll drop you a pm. Congrats to the other winners!
Hey there, little missy! You sure didn't have to RAK me, but thank you!! You have been so supportive and were my very first blog follower--thanks for all the encouragement, and congratulations on having such a successful blog!! And congratulations to the other RAKers and giveaway winners!! You are one generous person, Lynn!!!
Congrats to all the lucky winners.
This was a very fun event! Thanks, Lynne, for you generosity! Congratulations to all the lucky winners! :-D
Congrats everyone!!!
Congrats to all the lucky winners!
Hi Lynne, Yours was one I truly was hoping to win! Congrats to the winners. C'mon over and enter my giveaway! XXMollye
What fantastic suprise I can't wait for the lovely RAC your so sweet to add me. I do have to say Lynne it's always a pleasure to pop by your blog and I have popped to you shop on occasion too! your so talented and I am happy to call you friend too
Love Dawn xx
now addy I am sure we have e-mailed each other so will have a nosey and email you soon thanx again hun xx
Wow- that is a lot of give aways! Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to all the Lucky winners. Thanks Lyn for an inspirational site, your art work and creations are amazing.
Congrats you lucky lucky ducks! And congrats to you Lynn for such luck in finding great friends. Have a great week!
Whoo Hoo! COngrats to all the winners! What great generousity!
Ooo my word! I've won a RAK from Lynn - how amazing. Thank you so much Lynn and congratulations to all the other lucky recipients of Lynn's generosity.
I shall send you my address with much thanks.
Lesley x
Congrats to the winners!
congrats everyone!!!
Well, that starts a day off right:):) I came here to leave you an e-mail that I had a dream that you and your son came to Chicago and stopped by to visit me. Isn't that out of nowhere?
HA! (Well, the invitation IS always open.) And then I see I am the recipient of one of your genereous RAK's. How fabulous, thank you so, so much! I'll e-mail you my info.
congratulations, everyone, and thanks again to Lynn for sharing!
Some of the winners are my "imaginary friends," so I got all happy for them--isn't it funny how we can be so happy for someone we've never met?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I received the pendant today and it is much more beautiful in real life. I cannot wait to hang it around my neck and show it off. This was a great giveaway and I'm so excited to have been chosen as a winner. I must also thank everybody that has commented and said "congratulations to the winners" ... that was so kind!
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