As I had mentioned if I had 25 more followers I would do a cuff bracelet so someone will be getting a custom piece. Also for every 75 new comments I'd add more candy. Here's some new giveaways added to the pot.

What can I say!!!I am overjoyed. Blessed and humbled that so many have signed up to follow my blog. I have met so many wonderful talented friends here and hope to have lasting friendships for many years to come. It has been a joy sharing my art with each one of you. I want to Thank you by having a giveaway. Since this is a giveaway for my followers, each of you that follow are already entered!!!!! If you'd like to follow along and haven't yet theres still time.
Here's how it works.
I will draw a winner for the mega prize shown here, all the vintage goodies will go to one lucky person. You do NOT need to have a blog, but be sure and leave a way for me to contact you!!! I will gladly ship anywhere so this is open to my overseas friends also.
That's Not AllIf I get 25 more followers I will draw another name and make a custom made cuff bracelet, I'll work with the winner to pick a style that he or she likes.
Theres MoreAlso for every 75 comments from individuals. I will add another gift, something handmade by me. I'll post a picture as soon as we get 75 individual comment. And another at 150, etc. if it happens to go that high.
Want More Entries!!! If you'd like two entries add a comment at the end of this post.
Want Even More Still?
If you'd like a third entry. Post a picture on your blog with a link back to my blog and come back and let me know.
I will draw the winners using a random # generator. This giveaway will run for one week and will end on Monday May 10Th at midnight MST
Best of luck and Thank you all!
Here's whats in the Vintage Blog candy
Beautiful lace rescued from on old wedding dress, Several yards of different vintage laces, Gorgeous Applique pieces with pearls and sequins, 10 sheets of music paper from 1934, 4 plus yards of crinkle seam binding, German Glass glitter (the real stuff fully coated with silver)vintage leaves,silver,gold foil paper and green fabric at least a dozen of each size. A vintage Optical Lens, vintage long glove, Several vintage doilies, 3 frozen Charlotte's(these were cast from the real thing, then I painted and antiqued them) Religious cards, 1 1/2 yards vintage cash register receipt and some tabs from cash register, Vintage bells and doves, Lots of Jewelry pieces, Vintage buttons, Pen nibs, clock hands, Vintage sewing needle package, French Vocabulary cards, vintage bingo cards and more that I haven't even mentioned... I may even add more to the pot before were done!
Remember you MUST be a Follower!!!
1 – 200 of 332 Newer› Newest»I love your blog!!! I'm a follower and I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog: http://eileen-mahony-velez.blogspot.com/
Woohoo! Count me in. I'm a follower now, I thought I was already?!? Thanks, Sally sjhackney (at) yahoo (dot) com
So excited to already be entered...but 2 more entries never hurts! Love your blog and this prize pack!!!
Have a fabulous Monday!
Hi Lynn -
Boy, when you do a Giveaway, you do it up BIG! If I had a blog (one of these days will get around to it), I'd have you on it. I visit your blog everyday because you blow me away with your art. Thanks for sharing with us.
Elaine Allen
Hi Lynn
I'm not always able to get to your blog as often as I would like, although I have been a follower for some time but, whenever I AM able, I am totally inspired. Beautiful, beautiful work always.
I am a follower & wanted to say thanks for sharing!
We follow because we love and are inspired by what you make. These gifts are wonderfully generous of you, I'm sure you will get many comments and many new followers. Enjoy.
I LOVE anything vintage. Your blog candy is to die for. I am now a member, but like Sally, I thought I was a member. Glad I checked.
Oh boy what great blog candy! I just became a follower! Never thought to become a follower, just pop over regularly! Thanks, Lynn!
I always look forward to your art, dear Lynn and you never fail to amaze me with your lovely work!
Please count me in!
For the vintage-addicted, like myself, this candy is beyond yummy.
My goodness! How generous of you -- and what a delightful collection of goodies up for grabs. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Count me in, you know I love the "OLD" Vintage stuff.
Ooooh wooow, how wonderful ! Please count me in ! Thanks for sharing ! :-D
All this time I have been following you with Google Reader and didn't realize that I was not on your "Followers" list. I am on there now!!
Your mega prize looks fabulous! What a joy it would be to get all of those goodies. You are so generous, my friend!!
I am already a follower of your great blog - but I am going to give you a shout out over on my blog - this candy looks so yummy!!!!!!!!!
Well Lynn, you already know how much I love your art!!! I also happen to love the blog candy you are offering, so count me in!!!
Here is the link to the shout out about your candy.....http://jacque4u2c.blogspot.com/2010/05/did-you-see-this-candy-giveaway.html
Very awesome and generous giveaway!! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Wow, just found your blog and I'm totally in awe of your work. I've become a follower and posted on my blog too.
Its so generous of you to offer such a wonderful treat so thanks for the chance to win
Claire xx
What a fantastic, generous giveaway!! I am already a follower and am sorry that I don't comment as often as I should - I quite often come and look though! Thanks for the chance :)
Wow.... thank you for the chance of wining this beautiful 'candy'.
So much inspiration on your blog... it'll take me weeks to look at everything you have created.
You have earned your followers by always showing such lovely creations on your blog. x
Oh Wow Lynne this is special candy you know I am already a follower I will also link this up for you I am sure you will have to add lots more goodies lol as so many will want what you are offering hun I SO NEED these goodies and to win a feww handmade cuff or what ever wlse you make I am sure will be just as perfect
Love Dawn xx
I'm delighted to be following your blog! You do beautiful work that inspires me. Please sign me up for the lovely give-away! I don't have a blog but can be found at mama underscore wolfdog at yahoo dot com. Michele
Oh my gosh girl! You are going above and beyond! There are so many little things in your giveaway that I have been looking for but haven't as yet found. I'm crossing my fingers, I've been following you for a while now and you have a permanent place in my sidebar to direct others to you. Congrats on the success and thanks for all the awesome things you share!
How was I not already following you? It's not like I don't visit you, and have for a LONG time,
what the heck???
Yes, please, count me in--what an inspiring lot of goodies!
Hello Linn,
OMg what a big Candy youre giving away ppfff
wel I`m gonna try
nobody knows
Good luck to you al.
this is an awesome awesome give away! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Ok I just blogged you too...
WOW - What a fantastic give away - haven't visited your blog before, found the link courtesy of Zoe(chaos)
I am now a follower
What a wonderful giveaway, Lynn!! Someone is going to be thrilled to receive this - you are so generous to put all this together to give away- and I also know what joy you'll receive by making someone's day :-)
Wow what a fantastic giveaway, I'm so glad I'm following your blog. Your artwork is fantastic and this prize is very generous. Thank you. Tracy Evans x x
I don't know what I did, but obviously I left my comment in the wrong place. Tanks for giving a heads up on your blog candy. WOW!!
Even though I have been checking out your blog, I am now a follower and i have a link to you now. Give me 3 entries please.
I have also added a picture on my blog of your blog candy, I want as many chances as possible to win this fantastic prize LOL. Have a good evening. Tracy Evans x x
Oh my goodness! Pick me! While away I decided to concentrate more on the vintage/collage side of my art so I could sure put these beautiful things to use!!!
ps-I wasn't a follower until last night. I don't use the follower screen to see the blogs I want to but decided to follow so you could get to 400!!! That's so exciting!
WOW! That's some awesome blog candy. I love reading your blog - I'm always inspired!!
pick me pick me! love the "candy" thanks and i'm a follower and i posted you on my blog! DIANE from VINTAGETICKLEDPINK
Oh, Lynn, what a gorgeous give-away! I am on the hunt for more vintage, especially laces and trims, for lampshades - visit me at misspproductions dot blogspot to see the first one I made. And please enter me in your drawing!
No need to enter me in this drawing, since I won one of your treasured little pieces not long ago. Just wanted to say how wonderfully creative I think you are!
OMG - I am sitting here picturing the postie knocking on my door delivering all this fabulous stuff- it would make my YEAR . I have put it on my blog too
My heart almost stopped when I saw all the goodies you are willing to part with...and I would OH SO LOVE to win them. HOW I LOVE LACE...most especially old lace..and some many darling little things ....gosh it would keep one busy for a year.
I have joined your blog..I am going to post a notice on my blog... for your blog..and I can't remember all the other things that need to be done.
OH my gosh so excited.
OMGosh, i just found your blog!! I am following, you have some amazing things on your blog!!!
How generous you are to offer such a great package! Please put my name in the hat again! Yeah!!
Oh My Gosh Lynn, what a wonderful giveaway you have. I love it all and would so love to incorporate some of it into my artwork. Thanks for doing this for us. Your work is wonderful.
i check your blog every few days anyway, but finally signed on as a follower. i find so much inspiration in your art. thank you for sharing all this with us.
What a fabulous collection of treasures *sigh*
I am a follower of yours on bloglines, and I {heart} all your creations!
I have lurked through your blog for several months (and have window-shopped Etsy store too!) and now have become a follower!
You are so creative, not to mention generous. I rarely win give-aways, but I'd love to win this one!
Cathi (Calsidyrose)
Wow! Oh how I'd love to win all that lovely stuff!!! How in the world are you going to keep track of all the entries and comments though??? I'd never be able to keep up with it all! Thanks so much for doing this!
OMG this is one give away I really want to win......Love all the goodies. I am just now going to be a follower. I have visted many many times,,,,,,,I don't know why I didn't press the follow button.
I added a photo button to the sidebar on my blog! Feel free to check it out!
Cathi (Calsidyrose)
We should be thanking you for giving us so much inspiration from your gorgeous artwork! But your giveaway is way above and beyond the call! I've been a follower for a long time and always wait anxiously for your next piece of genius!
wow, what great treasures!!! i just started collecting those little dolls, I love the ones with no arms...they just look like they have been loved...I will definitly post on my sidebar..thanks so much!
What a give away! I follow you through my Google Reader so don't know if that counts. I sign up to be an actual follower on your blog, then I get everything twice! What to do....
Anyway, I'd love a chance to win!
What a generous gesture, Lynn! I feel like I already won, though, because I get to be your friend and be inspired by your gorgeous work! Congratulations on your 400+ !
I am SOOOO happy for you, and proud of you for making your milestone!!!! You deserve it!!
What a giveaway!!! I am a follower - always have and always will be whether I win or not!
WOW.. how very generous! Your blog is reward enough. Keep up the beautiful work!! ;)
I just posted about your wonderful giveaway on my blog. Thanks a lot for a chance at this.
What a wonderful and very generous give a way,,, Oh please put my name in too....
ps I am a follower too..
Goodness gracious, what a spectacular giveaway from one of my favorite artists!!! Throw my name into the hat, and boy, are my fingers crossed!!! LynnF
What a wonderful, yummy giveaway!!! Are you sure you don't need these things? :) Everything is so beautiful!
This is a fabulous giveaway from a fabulous artist. Thank you!! I try to make sure to view each of your new posts as I find them inspirational and delightful.
Hi Lynn!
Hopefully the weather is better over there than in Washington! Ackk! I't cold AND windy! Rain? Well, yeah, used to that! But it's freezing here!
What a lovely giveaway. So many yummy goodies! Of course, coming from you that's a certain!
I've really enjoyed getting to know you a bit better as of late. You are so talented and I always enjoy meeting "locals" with the same interests.
I'm going to grab your button/photo and post it right now on my blog.
Are you going to Farm Chicks? Just curious, not sure if I'll get to go yet,,,,have to find someone to cover for me at Joyworks! Ackkk!
fabulous give away!! so happy I found you!!
I am also having give aways on my blog all this week- check it out if you would like to enter!!
Oh my gosh, wholly girl this is such an awesome collection. I love following your blog, always full of so much beauty and inspiration. Congrats on your followers. Of course I am a follower.
Lynn, I'm just finding you! Why haven't I found you before! Well, I just signed on as a follower and will also add you to my blog roll!
I always feel kind of funny entering a contest when I've never been to the blog before. I will be back again to visit!
You truly have a generous spirit.
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! This is soooooooooooooooooo AMAZING!!!! WOW!! Thanks for the chance!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your blog and I am a follower now! :)::):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I love your blog and am no longer a "lurker" but a "real live follower!". Your very generous giveaway is TOO wonderful! Please count me in :)
Just found your blog and see you have this awesome giveaway...and of course I'm going to follow your blog.
Thank you for having this AWESOME giveaway.
Maybe you'll visit me sometime.
Deb :)
Lynn, I love your blog! I, too, am a follower! I would love to have my name entered in your beautiful giveaway! Thanks!
Lynn, I have your giveaway posted on my blog on my sidebar.. for another entry for me in your giveaway!
I just found your blog by way of Gingersnap creations and I love it. I am a devoted follower as of now I love your work. Mary C Justrosy3
I have added a link and picture of your giveaway to my sidebar.
wow, this is an awesome giveaway! i would be soooo thrilled to win it! i'm already a follower.
Lynn, I LOVE this giveaway - that gorgeous lace immediately caught my eye (I'm such a lace junkie! LOL)
Boy I'm sure keeping my fingers crossed on this - what a giveaway!
I am a follower and I added a button to this giveaway to my blog and I also just added a post about it (silly me - do I want more competition for this? No way! hee)
Here is a link to my post:
Thank you for giving us a chance at some of your treasures!
No suprise you have so many followers- I am always inspired by your creations : ) I have linked your giveaway to my blog- fun goodies!
I have cleared a space in my studio, just waiting for those treasures! Love your blog and also your work as guest designer at Alpha Stamps. Sharon (crzydqltr@cox.net)
Look at all that yummy blog candy! So much vintage loveliness! Can't wait to see how many comments you get on this blog candy! :)
Oh my goodness! What a fabulous stash of goodies. How about when I win, you just keep everything there and I'll come over for a marathon creative session? :) I was so glad to find your blog after seeing your creations published so many times in various magazines. Your work has been a real inspiration to me.
You know I love you blog and your wonderful creations. and your candy looks awesome. Count me in!
Hug Linda
What wonderful gifts Lyn. I have followed your blog ever since I first stumbled onto it. I check it nearly every day unless I am out of town. Such an inspiration you have been to me!
Oh my found my way to your blog and so glad I did!! I am a new follower! Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway!
I just posted about your giveaway!
Thanks for giving something to blog about tonight! I posted a picture of your scrumptious goodies and a link back to your post!
Every time I look at the pictures, I find another treasure!
Fingers crossed...I could make some really wonderful Spirit Figures with all these wonderful gifts and a cuff bracelet...I'll be a follower...j
Lynne, what wonderful giveaways, love your blog, and thank you for the opportunity to win:)
Hugs xx
I've just discovered your lovely blog and now I'm following !
what a fab giveaway,
julie xxx
Sonja Beeker has a second entry here for posting
Oh! My! Gosh!
This is the most beautiful giveaway I have ever seen! I can see all of the lovely dollies I can clothe with all of these sweet, precious items!
You are a sweetheart!
I have already fallen in love with your blog and your style.
I am in a lot of doll ning sites where you can see my dolls, but, alas, I don't have a blog as yet so I will leave you my email address where I can be reached:
Teresa S.
Thanks so very much!
wow lots of gorgeous candy here
I have added the link for everyone to have a go at winning to my blog :-)
Hi Lynn
My goodness, you are giving away, so many wonderfull things,
please count me in, Lynn.
Hugs, Dorthe
It's a great giveaway and I hve hjust found great blog!!!I follow now!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Have to post a comment! This is such a lovely giveaway. Your blog has grown so much! Happy for you :)
Hi dear,
you are now on my sidebar ,too
have a happy day.
Hugs, Dorthe
I have only just found your blog through Vintiquities Workshop, and I am so glad she pointed me your way! Your blog is great and I am now a happy follower. Sod's law though, just as I have found you, I am off to France for a week without internet access, :-(.
I am putting your button for the fabulous giveaway in my sidebar. You have put together an amazing collection of treasures, wow.
Lynn, you are such a sweetie! You give so much of yourself, and share your talent, and many times goodies...like this:) Which FREAKIN' ROCKS!!!
You KNOW I'll be linking up your giveaway to my blog.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Here's my link Lynn. :)
Great blog and great giveaway! I'm a follower now. Thanks to give a chance to win.
I love, love, love your blog!!! I'm a follower and I have posted a link to your giveaway on my blog: http://debsscrapbookingroom.blogspot.com/
Thanks fpr the chance to win!!!
I forgot to say that I've linked your candy on my blog.
Hi Lynn! You have a wonderfull blog! I love it!
I am follower now and thanks for sharing!
I love your blog and always enjoy the wonderful projects you create! I have switched you from my google reader to following. Thank you for the most delicious candy offer- I am drooling over it!
I posted a link in my sidebar too!
WOW, WOW, WOW, this is awesome, I could be in heaven if I won this, you are being so very generous Lynn, thank you :)
I have just added your picture to my side bar and, am now going to drool over your photos again.
This is the Mother Load of all giveaways! I will most definitely put those bunch of coolness on my next post. Please, enter me. I'll be your friend forever! (sorry, I reverted back to 4th grade for a minute) Lisa
I've been a follower. I've added your blog candy photo to my sidebar candy jar. Amazing give-away!
I have just glanced at a few "farm themed" goodies from earlier on the blog. You know I have to spend more time reading and browsing and catching up.
a st bernardmom (at) charter (dot) net
I just found you and became a follower hope you will follow me too Blissangels.everyone needs more friends. Love the blog and the wonderful ideas. ~Wendy
What a hall! OMG, move over Santa...Lynn is takin' over. I'd follow you anywhere!
OMG, Your giveaway is so generous and so fantastic. I love those little doves (doves on my wedidng cake 20 years ago). and those little dolls and the vintage lace and Bingo cards. Wow....Please do count me in the drawing and thank you for the chance to win.
taven1999 at cox dot net
As you know, I follow your amazing Blog. All those goodies are my idea of heaven! Lynne M
and i linked you up here:
Wow, awesome giveaway! I found your blog trough a link at another blog and happy I did and gladly following!!!
This looks like the mother load Lynn! WOW! Always enjoy my visits.
Vintage ticked pink has another entry here
I am a new follower!!!
I linked up your blog candy to my blog: http://positive-force.blogspot.com/
thank you so much for the chance to win...I'll be stalking your blog from now on!!!
Hi, I've signed up to follow your blog and would love to win this gorgeous prize. thanks, cathy at charter dot net.
2amscrapper has another entry here!
LOL ~ With this many comments I hope I have a chance to win!!!
Pattee : )
Her Creative spirit has another entry, Thanks Lynn
Debby from Debs scrapping room has another entry
Hi Lynn, I would love a chance at your awesome giftaway! I am a follower and I am posting your badge to my sidebar right now! Thanks, XXMollye
LuLuliz has another entry
What a great blog - I love your style and your super generous giveaway. Found you from vintiquities workshop.
Following now.
Hello Lynn, what a beautiful and generous giveaway...please enter me in your lovely giveaway too. I have become a happy follower and I hope it is alright with you that I added your beautiful blog to my Beautiful Places To Visit & Dream area on my lil blog. Have a beautiful week! Besos, Rose
Lynn, I added you to my Giveaway Area on my sidebar and will post about your giveaway later today :) Thank you again. Besos, Rose
Just found your lovely blog, very inspiring.......Wow at the giveaway too, hope im not too late to have a go:O)
What a great giveaway! Love your creations! I just became a follower too!
Thank you. Becca
This is a beautiful giveaway...I am a follower of yours, and I have added the link to your giveaway on my blog.
Wow, Lynn! Gorgeous stuff! You sure you want to give that all away????? You're a good woman, my friend!
Hope you're having a fabulous day!
Beautiful items for your blog anniversary giveaway. I just became a follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win!
Aloha, Kate
Oh what a wonderful blog! I'm so glad I found you! I'm now a follower and would of course love to be entered into the giveaway. Really looking forward to getting to catch up with your blog posts!
Blessings, Doni
You are just too generous! I'm so happy for you and enjoy your blog and art tremendously.
Autumn Clark
Wow this is gorgeous candy! Please count me in, I'd absolutely love this so much!
WOW Lynn! What a great giveaway. Please put my name in the hat. ((HUGS)) Kris
OH...I just adore this......I love your Blog and I am now a follower!!!
You can reach me by clicking on my post and I have my email on my Blog...Stop by and give me a shout out!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
WOW Lynn, what lovely blog candy are giving away...You make such beautiful things, no wonder you have all those followers :)
Good luck everyone!
Carol x
Love your blog. I looked over some of your past posts and can't wait to read more. Had to become a follower to such a lovely blog.
wow great! blog and beautiful giveaway. You are being followed!
Count me in :D
<3 Michelle
Wow this looks like my kind of blog. I just became a follower and am going to add you to my google reader.
I'm a follower and a big fan Lynn. I hope to win this great giveaway. I linked on my blog for all to see what candy you are giving away. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have been following your blog, but have officially become a follower. I love your style and your creativity. You are inspirational.
Rose Victorian Rose has another entry here
What a yummy bunch of goodies :-)
Happy to be a follower.
What a treasure! I thought I was following (turns out I was subscribing, not following), but am now! Hope you reach that magic number you're looking for.
Your blog is wonderful, and I could make great use of the lovely items in your giveaway.
eyeleeeen at optonline dot net
You are so so generous, thank you so much for giving one lucky person the chance to win such wonderful goodies. I hope it's me, lol. I'll post a link on my blog http://theshabbychicbohemian.blogspot.com Best wishes with your blog, it's beautiful, and I will return :)
Hi Lynn, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I'm so glad you liked the ATC I made for you!
I love your blog and your art is so amazing. I don't know why I hadn't been to it before but I'm now a follower. Thank you!
What a wonderful giveaway, just love it all. I'm a new follower and really like your blog. Smiles, Carol Mae
WOW!!! What a treasure trove of goodies you have very generously offered Lynn,
I would love to be included in the draw and have been following for a while as you know, have left this comment and have posted a pic in the sidebar of my blog.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Lesley x
What a wonderful and generous giveaway!!I have added you to my sidebar!!Warmest Regards,Cat
Hi sweet Lynn!!! What a wonderful giveaway....you are so sweet and generous!!! I'll be sure to post about it on my blog and I just became a follower too! hugs and love, Dawn
Beautiful things are shown here! A little bit differently than the things which I do, but I think we both like vintage lances ;)
Have a creative day!
I've only just found your blog and have been wondering around for hours. Stunning work!!! I'll be back as there's so much more to see. Happy to be now following and promoting your generous candy on my sidebar. Thanks in Advance =)
Hello! I found you from another blog, Lisa at Tarnished and Tattered and I'm so happy I did. Not because of the giveaway - though that is absolutely positively to die for . . . but because I LOVE YOUR BLOG! sigh.
So yes, I became a follower, I am making a comment and I am posting y our giveaway on my blog. YAY!
Thank you so much. This is wonderful!
Karen - Some days are diamonds
I am now officially a follower. It took an act of congress for this to happen. A petty fight between blogger and my isp security software.
But I'm there and even before it became official. Love your site. Oh...and I'm drooling over the charlotte dolls in your giveway. Hope they come home to me.
Enjoy the day!
Fantastic giveaway, as usual, Lynn! What a generous soul! Here's my link
I so enjoy your blog! And now you're rewarding us for liking what you share? Sweet! :-)
I've posted a link to the giveaway post on my blog, too. Love to share the wealth!
I tried to leave a comment yesterday but was in a hurry and it didn't finish. So I am back today so I can make sure I get a chance. Every thing is so pretty. Someone is going to be mighty lucky. Thanks for the chance. Carol
There's no place like home ~ there's no place like home ~ there's no place like home!
The treasures in your giveaway will feel right at home here!
I always love visiting you blog!
I think I am already a follower but will check and make sure.
I'm thrilled to be entered. I found you through another blogger (Tarnished and Tattered) who posted about the giveaway. I will also immediately become a follower.
What fantastic blog candy, I just love all your work. I'll put it on my sidebar as well. Here's my blog
Lesley my dear friend now has another entry.
In the light of the moon has another entry
Saw you posted over at Tarnished and Tattered! I am following just to see some of the ART you do. I think it's out of my league but pretty eye candy. Amazing stuff you are giving away! Have a blessed day!
Wow--thanks for offering a fabulous give away!!! I found you through Paper cowgirls.
flutterbye crafter has another entry
Lynn I just can't believe that this is the first time I have seen your beautiful blog. I am in Idaho as well and in fact have family living in Kuna. What a beautiful giveaway. I learned of it at tattered and tarnished. I just signed up as a follower as well.
i think maybe we may have met several months ageo on my blog, but I don't remember. It's an age thing.
Lori from thinkin about inkin has another entry
I have followed your blog for a while, it is just fab. I will link your candy in my side bar.
Thant's an amazing candy! So amny beautiful things. Please count me in.
I love your giveaway!!! My email is wanda.contreras@yahoo.com and I'm a follower as well. Thank you !!!
Wowee! Awesome giveaway! so glad to have found your beautiful blog!thanks for the chance!
Just posted the picture and link to my blog! I'm really enjoying looking around on your blog!
This is the most stunning vintage collection of goodies - I don't know how you can bear to part with any of it!! Juliexx
Oh my GOSH!!! I have never won anything before so I REALLY hope I win this! You are so inspirational! Well, I am a follower and now I will post it on my blog!
Sparkly hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!
Ok Lynn, the button is up! Thank you so much!
Tobi and the Pixies!
I adore all your vintage items. You have a great eye!
great blog...can never get enough inspiration. thanks
Wow, Lynn, all the wonderful pieces in your giveaway. I can only begin to imagine how I would use all of those wonderful pieces to decorate and enhance my wee little folk. So many fabulous items. Definitely, candy for the crafters sweet tooth!
Wow Wow Wow!!! What a fabulous prize. Those treasures are wonferful.
Good grief, this is some good candy, Lynn! Thanks for the chance to win. Ali
Wow, what a beautiful trove you have for us there! (Swoon!)
You're ATC's are unreal, going to give those techniques a go methinks :)
Just put you up on my facebook as I dont have a lot of traffic through my blog but heaps on FB!
I am your follower and you know how much I love your ATC's.
I am your 500 follower! Maybe that will make me lucky. Such a wonderful giveaway and such a great assortment of beautiful playthings. I have just found your blog and now I'm headed back to read it all. Hugs.
i just love your blog and have been a follower for quite a while now. I am at present sitting in a hospital bed waiting for surgery tomorrow on my gallbladder. this is a lovely way to pass the time.
Wonderful giveaway! I love your ATC's!
You have a really great blog!!! Lots of inspiration. Keep up the great posts. Take care, Christina
Wow, Lynn! this is a most generous give away! I'm so happy to be following your wonderful blog - cheers!
I love your blog! I just signed up to follow you (and your giveaway is not too shabby either). Love it and hope I'm the lucky winner.
wow what a amazing candy box!! whoever wins is sooo lucky! i saw your blog on the owoh tour and on my list to come back too so now im following you and can see all your fun stuff!
Hi, I'm new here too.
I'm probably pushing my luck. I won two giveaways this week already but I'm happy to follow your blog and link it as well and will be visiting more.
My link is on www.numinositybeads.blogspot.com
Beautiful items!
Am coming back as requested to confirm I've posted the pic in my blog. Thanks!
oh wow what beautiful candy i am a follower woohoo and i have added a picture with link in my side bar. would love to be entered in the draw.
Just discovered your blog and I love it. Decided to take a chance to win this gorgeous giveaway. This is really generous!
Really wish I cud win this! I adore laces and all vintage stuff! I posted a picture and a link on my blog. Keep my fingers crossed...
You are amazing crafter hun,have one beautiful blog .alsways nice to pass through and see your creations.Thanks for the chance to win some gorjuss candy.Have added link to side bar.
Thanks again have great day!
hugs judex
Beautiful blog, i love your give-away also.
I shall put a link to my blog
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