Last night was the Owyhee Museum unveiling/Christmas party. It was very exciting.They had about 40 to 50 people show up. The food and entertainment was wonderful. Everyone seemed to Love the display and mural. Still isn't quite finished. The paint was to wet to add the artifacts. Were still waiting for the special track lighting and the video of the flintknapper. The leather pedestal's will have the text screen printed on them soon. I took a few pictures to share. I,m not a photographer,the flash on the camera picked up glare from the Plexiglas. but at least you have an Idea. If your ever in the area be sure and stop by The Owyhee Museum.
It's beautiful, Lynn, and much larger than I anticipated. What a monumental piece of art!
When the weather gets nice I will definitely have to visit the museum.
Carolyn S
This is amazing! I am going to have to make the trek to see it for real!
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