Sorry but I couldn't resist the title for this one. With all the Steampunk I have been working on lately. Here's a jewelry piece I did that fits perfectly in the leftover challenge at Mixed Media Monday Since it uses leftover watches, light bulbs, fuses, I think it also might fit for the Faces challenge at
Ink On My Fingers So go through all your junk drawers ,dismantel some watches and have fun playing with Steampunk!
Love it--great ideas!
Lynn -
I love the necklace! I have a few of those same faces and some of the mini sunglasses. Think I'll go play in a bit - LOL! Thank you for sharing.
Elaine Allen
Oh my dear, this is just super...with jaw dropped down, tounge resting on side of mouth and drool on floor....ohhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhh I am luvin' this piece!
Wowzers Lynn ... this is a fabulous piece of work!
Just fabulous!!
Happy new year!
Just amazing what you can do with 'stuff' Lynn!
O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lynn... THIS IS AMAZING!!! I don't know how you keep coming up with so many amazingly brilliant ideas....you are so inspiring...maybes I have said that before but you are!!!
THanks for joinin in hun...have the best 2010 ... lotsa love x
oh my! I am in LOVE! Lynn this is beyond words to even describe how fantastic your piece is!!!! *drool*!!!! Happy New Year to you and may 2010 be blessed with wonderful things!
That is one neat piece of jewelry! Love it!
OMG--this is to DIE for, Lynn!!! You are rockin' the steampunk! So what does that make you--a steampunker? steampunkette? hmmm...something to ponder! Keep on punkin', Lynn!
You are just turning into a big PUNK! And it suits you well! You suit each other well ;-/
Your art just blows me away. I am in awe.
OMG Lynn this is just awesome I love it to bits
I looked at the first blog, and it looks great! The link didn't work for the second one! I'll check back later! Thanks for posting this!
Hi Lynn, how fun is this! Love the chain, looks like a beard! And the sunglasses are too cool.
OMG Lynn your steampunk work is absolutely stunning. I´ve missed the right words for your work.
Wow! These pieces are fantastic. Love your work. "Wicked" the piece I won on your blog in October is still hanging right by my computer for my enjoyment.
Thanks so much to stopping by and for posting my store on your side bar... I appreciate the support. I have things to add just have to figure out the postage.
I lover your leftover challenge jewelry piece... it is AWESOME!!!!
Amazing! You have so much creativity!!!
this turned out super!! outstanding!!!
Wow, Lynn! What a fun and creative piece.
Love these pieces Lynn. Such a joy to visit your blog every day. Such inspiring art. Thanks for sharing.
this is a fantastic piece!!
Fantastic pieces! Love the stream punk theme.
Fabulous use of leftovers, Lynn. I'll just bet you are a super recycler. I love the necklace.
love this steampunk stuff
I love seeing what you are up to, Lynne..always something beautiful or uniquely beautiful...this is no exception. Love this type of creativity...you do it well. Hugs. Gayle.
I really enjoyed looking at your work. Had no idea people were making such innovative things
Very cool. great assortment of leftovers!
Love it!
Ahhh! Fabulous, Lynn! You certainly have this style down! Love what you're coming up with!
Hi Lynn! I just love your necklace!!!
Wow! Totally creative and fabulous!
Oh My Goodness! Your work is wonderful! I love the necklace and am so impressed with what you accomplished with leftovers. Perfect! Kristin xo
What a truely awsome piece of jewellery :)
Love it, Lynne! It certainly looks like you had fun! Diane
Beyond cool and creative!
Fab art necklace....steampunk rules! Must give this a go if I can find any bits and pieces LOL
WOW Lynne I love this piece! I am so glad you found my blog:) I will be visiting yours often.
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