Monday, October 5, 2009

Oxford Impressions New Halloween

Remember a few days ago I shared a metal etching I had done with one of the new images from Oxford Impressions Halloween plate, well here's what I came up with. I must have taken 15 pictures or so. I just couldn't get a good shot of it. I kept picking up the glare from the glass. Well do you think Suzanne will like it? I hope so but remember shhhhh its a surprise!!!!


Debby said...

Uh. Can you come over here and pick my jaw up from the floor. I look ridiculous. This piece is stunning!

Anonymous said...

This is way too cool! Love the look!

Sue said...

Oh my, that is absolutely fab-u-lous!! Is there a tutorial somewhere for the metal etching?

Louise (KardKrazy) said...

I say "YES" she will love this. What a fabulous job you did with all the stamps from that set. The metal etching is the highlight, of course.

Robin said...

WOW! This is a knockout piece Lynn! I'm sure Suzanne will absolutely love it!

Anne Lorys said...

That's amazing, love it!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway, good luck to you.
All the best,

Shelly Hickox said...

Oh Lynn, this came out so cool!! I know she will absolutely freak out over it - it is just her style. Fantastic piece!

Lynn said...

Lynn, this is fantastic!!!!!! I love all the layers and textures, you rock girl:)

trisha too said...

this is fantastic--she'll love it!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

That is awesome! I'm sure your friend will just love it! Julia :-)

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