Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blogaversary Winners!!!!!!!

Thank you all for participating in my Blog party! I have visited several of your blogs and am amazed at the talent out in blogland. I will continue to make my rounds as time permits. Thank you all so much!
Well I finally had time to post the winners. Here's how it works. The first # drawn will get to select 1st, the second # drawn selects second, etc. I used the random # Generator to select the #'s.If for some reason I cannot reach any winners or they do not contact me within 72 hours I will redraw #'s

First is my RAK- #104- This will be a surprise gift and it goes to RHONDA- from Lost in Cardland

Prize winners
1St - #31- Katina
2nd - #282 -Paula- Teaberry Cottage
3rd - #302- Kim- Star shine chic
4th - #128 -Bonnie
5th - #111- Sundownbead Designs
6th- #219- Erin glee
7th - #17- Louise- Kard Krazy
8th - #48 - Hels
9th- #41 - Jonni
10th- #240 Gayle Page Robak

Congrats Ladies. Please contact me for information.


Kim said...

Congratulations on the great response, Lynn!

Riki Schumacher said...

WOW, that's a lot of responses! Very cool.

Hels Sheridan said...

So...does that mean... if I make like 100 links on my blog, I get put into the draw 100 times????? ROFL...Lynn hun, your ART is amazing and whomever wins a piece of it is VERY lucky indeed....BTW, I managed to get an old Take Ten mag the other day...and .. guess what? There I was, sitting on the train reading and all of a sudden I shouted out "I know her" .. got some pretty funny looks off the other passengers but who cares? ROFL xxx

Dorthe said...

Oh Lynn ,you really are having the most wonderfull giveaway,with so many special gifts, -no wonder so many entered this fantastic scene of gifts.
Hugs, Dorthe

stefanie said...

can't wait!!! 2 o'clock in the morning, yuk

rosebud101 said...

Take your time. We can wait! Sleep well!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Congratulations everyone! Lynn's art is amazing, and I am proud to be the owner of a piece. Lynn, you are so generous
Hugs xx

blueberries in the fields said...

well, cograts to all the lucky ladies and Lynn.. a big thank you for such a beautiful generous giveaway :)

Lyneen said...

Congrats to the WINNERS.... you have won some wonderful prizes!!!!

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

The anticipation for this exciting giveaway was so much fun to be a part of!
Thanks for the fun and fabulous giveaway and a big heartfelt, congratulations to all the winners!
Blessings to you from the Cabin!
Claudia O.

Jean Franks Beck said...

Congratulations to Lynn on the blogiversary and to all you lucky winners!

Louise (KardKrazy) said...

Oh, how exciting. I am thrilled to be picked. Thanks so much, Lynn. I will treasure whatever it is I receive. What a fun way to distribute the goodies:)
But we absolutely must know the "surprise" gift Rhonda gets!

Rhonda said...

Oh My Goodness!! This is wonderful, thanks Lynn! I love your art creations and your blogaversary giveaway has been amazing! Congratulations, Lynn, and to all of the lucky winners.

Hels Sheridan said... shaking my booty now I am soooo excited that I won...THANK YOU soooo much hunny.....will email you ... big hugs xx

Jacqueline said...

Congrats to everyone - all very lucky!!

Gayle Page-Robak said...

OMGoodness...I was so surprised to read your note, Lynn! So, this is me contacting you (smiles). If you wish to contact me:
is my e-mail. Thanks so much!!
Hugs, Gayle.

Paula -Teaberry Cottage said...

Congratulations to all the winners! This was so much fun. I love your work.

joy said...

Congratulations to all the winners! Lynn, you are a very special gal to have such a great giveaway!

Char said...

A big Congrasts to all the winners.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for having this "celebration". I'm excited about getting the charm bracelet and can't wait to show it off!
Thanks again-

Carol said...

Congratulations to all winneers, you are very lucky Lynn's art is so wonderful!


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