Friday, March 18, 2011

For the dogs- Paint Party Friday

Are you a dog Lover? I am. Knowing the dog personally
 made it even easier to capture
her likeness in oil pastels.
The top one is done of Aggie- A bearded collie that belonged to a friend of mine.
Shown in 3 different stages of her life, Puppy to middle age to growing older.
Sadly Aggie passed away a few months ago.
She is missed but will live on forever in her portrait.
This is a very large oil pastel, about 24 x 36 framed

These are my little darlings  spoiled brats. My teacup  Min pins, both about 5 lbs.
Tiffany the mom is on the left and Razzy on the right.
This is also a oil pastel.
Now go hug your dog!!

I'm entering these  at Paint Party Friday


Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, how adorable. You have captured so much detail in these pieces. I am now cuddling my pug pup as I type. Tracy Evans x

Elaine A said...

Lynn -

What beautiful portraits! Your work is just so amazing.

Elaine Allen

Gerri Herbst said...

Love your doggie portraits!

Janet Ghio said...

Oh, these dog portraits are just wonderful!! And I hug my dog everyday and more than once!!

Zoechaos said...

The Imps are not impressed (but I am) they just want to know when they are going to get their portrait!. Especially love Aggie a friend has a boy E S D who I keep trying to draw you have captured so much life in both of your fab pictures. I've asked before is there no end guess you just keep proving the answer is NO! XOXO Zoe

Terry said...

Well I for one can't stand dogs! Ha!Ha! Lynn, the paintings are treasures and do capture the lifelong spirit of a dog! Your talents never cease to amaze me! Beautiful portraits! Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

IT'S OFFICIAL! You have FAR to many artistic talents for one person!

And I love them all your such an inspiration to so many who visit here me included

Love Dawn xx

Unknown said...

You are so talented! Beautiful paintings!

Anji Johnston said...

I'm gonna hug my cat instead! Now Lynn, please tell me there is something that you CAN'T do! Have you blown galss before? That's what I want to try next. That's something I can't do also - make money - in more ways than one!
Have a great weekend!

Hels Sheridan said...

Blimey hunny, YOU ARE ONE TALENTED CHICK!!! Loving both of these... I used to have a Bearded Collie - totally batty he was... and your Min Pins... I have just realised the connection in your email... DUR, Anyways... I LOVE THESE... and have been absent from hopping for a wee while... just catching up and LOVE all the thing syou have made that I haven't been able to see straight awya... hope all is GOOD with you hun, have a grand weekend xxx

Lynne Moncrieff said...

I am a dog lover (not so sure about cats) but don't have a dog of my own only an "Auntie" to my sister's westie. I will see him tonight and will be sure to give him a wee hug.
Oops, meant to say, amazing doggie portraits.

Sonya Badgley said...

Hi Lynn,
I LOVE dogs too! These oil pastels are beautiful.
Maybe that's what I should do. Either draw or paint my little Sissie Pants (toy poodle). She hates getting her picture taken! I don't know why but she always tries to hide from the camera.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful art.

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

The dog portraits are just wonderful Lynn!!TFS.
Have a great weekend.

PetraB said...

I am not a dog person - I love cats! - but these ones are really adorable and so sweet.

Netty said...

Wow these are amazing Lynn, such wonderful brush strokes.
Thank you so much for the tips re the wedding card, will definitely do that, thank you again. Have a great weekend, Annette x

PetraB said...

Hi me again, I just thought that your paintings would make a very fine addition to the Paint Party Friday, Petra.

Diane said...

What a precious and poignant picture of the friend's dog. You're so talented. I love your little min pins, such a dear picture. My dog is a pomeranian mix and he runs the house. Nice post today Lynn. Diane

Deanna said...

Outstanding job on both portraits! I have used oil pastels only once and know they are not the easiest medium to work in. You have done an excellent job. I have two dogs, one beagle/hound mix and one miniature american eskimo/shih tzu mix. I am hoping to be able to draw them in graphite one day but still need to do more practice on drawing realistic fur.

Nancy said...

Jan: Thank you for the pay it forward gift. I just posted about it on my blog. Thanks

GlorV1 said...

Oh yes indeed, I am a "family pet member" lover. I have had two family pet members that have gone on to their next life and I have two left which are my babies. I love your paintings, very realistic and you've put a lot of soul into them. Great job! Have a wonderful weeking. By the way, my family pet member baby is sound asleep under the blankets.:)

WrightStuff said...

Aw gorgeous. you have done a wonderful job, what talent!

Daniele said...

most people stick to one style of art but you are so accomplised in all talented

Jo said...

Awwww .... your little girls are just adorable! Beautiful artwork Lynn ... girl you just never cease to amaze me!

Marlene said...

Wow - these are great!!!! I wish you had a shih-tzu! Heehee...that's what I have!

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Fabulous work! I just found Paint Party Friday today. Great that we have an outlet for our painting now too isn´t it.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally a dog person (proud mum to two westies!) I started a portrait of one of them today actually. PPF is a great way of discovering other artists who blog - I may never leave the computer again trying to look at all the great work out there!

angelself said...

Hi Lynn =) These are beautiful pet portraits in oil pastel. Dogs make such wonderful subjects because their eyes are so expressive. Kathryn

Crystal said...

Boy these are just wonderful!!! I love animals and do a lot of pet portraits. I never work in oil pastels because I haven't quite mastered there use yet, but regular old pastels are my medium of choice. :-)

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Lynn,
Wonderful pieces you've been posting.
I've been missing from blogland for a while but love what you do!
Happy creating,

Marlene said...

Love dogs, my brat is a yellow lab named Daisy. She is pretty spoiled but I wouldn't have her any other way. Love your pastels they are fabulous, you captured the dogs very well.

Kat W said...

You've captured their looks & expressions wonderfully. Very clever. My limited attempts with oil pastels look a bit like a 5 year old's. You inspire me to keep practising (although I doubt I'd ever manage this standard it is good to know my oil pastels are capable of more. Lol.)

Kat :-)

Kristin Dudish said...

Awww - these dog portraits are great... such wonderful details.

I'm so glad you decided to join the party :)


Limarea said...

Lovely paintings! :)

misteejay said...

These are super...miss my hoondie so much but doing the job I now have it wouldn't be right to have a dog so we never considered replacing her when she passed.

Toni :o)

Annabelle said...

Aren't these just adorable loveable portraits.....These creatures are the best for friendship, truly kind and unconditionally love you to bits.The best friend one could truly have.
I hug my dog always and sleep with her as well.This morning I brought her for a walk...she paid me back by venturing out into the muddy cornfield and returned brown from a golden hue. Rinsed her off with warm water from a milk jug and after that she kissed could I scold her?

Adore your furry babies.

Annabelle >^.^<

Anne Butera said...

Lovely doggie paintings!

Nelly said...

Love the puppy portraits!

EVA said...

Beautifully done!!

Those pinschers are 5lbs? Wow! Adorable! I bet they are spoiled at that size!

Wonderful to have you come to PPF, Lynn!

CuddlyBunny said...

Your painting skills impress every time! Beautiful portraits!

Since I don't have a dog to hug ... I'll play chase with my ferrets! :)

Heather said...

Wow, what a fun visual treat i have found here on your blog! I love dogs and yours are just adorable. Very well done, too! Nice to meet you through paint party friday!

Lori said...

Gorgeous work Lynn! Just amazing!

Christine said...

They are sooooo cute! Aggie is so pretty in her stages of life and you definately captured the likeness of your two sweeties!!!

Melisa said...

Mine are already snoring for the night so I'll just blow them kisses. Love dogs. These are awesome. Even more so because they are in oil pastel, which I find impossible!

Anonymous said...

I used to have a crazy beagle. Your dog portraits are awesome. I'm so sorry to hear about Aggie passing away. By the way, where in Idaho is your town? I'm in northern Idaho near Coeur d'Alene, are we close to being neighbors? Thanks for stopping by to visit me. :-)

cheryl said...

oh wow hun,totally amazing gosh really,stuning hun i am constantly cuddling my dogs,one of them sleeps with me all night bless her hugs cheryl xxx

Unknown said...

Hey Lynn- these are so beautiful- I love how you've captured their soul in the eyes- fantastic!

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Both of these are amazing.. You are so talented I just love seeing all the different types of art you do... Hope you have a wonderful weekend..

Hugs, Linda

Unknown said...

Great paintings... yes I'm a dog lover but unfortunately don't have one at the moment.. am out all day and it wouldn't be fare. Glad you came to PPF...

Victoria said...

Wow..these are such beauties...I adore dogs..what a wonderful artist you gorgeous and magnificent..shine on!

Pam Tucker said...

Beautiful pet portraits! You have really mastered the oil pastels. Amazing!

Carrie Martinez said...

Oh my, what a couple of cuties! Such talent....looking forward to seeing more :)

Ileana said...

The different stages of the collie's life is a beautiful painting, as well as your spoiled darlings...two very creative pieces! Your talent is inspirational. Glad you are a part of this party fest, and I can't wait to see more of your work! :)

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Wow GF, your portraits are so life like, beautiful! Luv your little dogs....I just had to hug my bird!

Sinderella's Studio said...

love the dogs.............
I sooooooooo wish I could capture the personality as you did!

Priti Lisa said...

I admire your talent in painting's not easy and your work is wonderful!

froebelsternchen said...


wuff wuff!

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