I know this isn't your typical image when you think of mother and child. But I live in the West and here its not unusual for entire families to PLAY together, here rodeos are a way of life. Please take a minute and sit a spell and visit
Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate your comments!!
Great arch and so different from the norm!
I'm still in the planning stages with my arch - ie. I've not even started yet!!
Ali xx
Beautiful arch, Lynn, and why not a western theme? Pity more families didn't play together. Fantastic work.
This is fantastic! A great spin on the phrase 'mother and child'; not an image that would imediately spring to mind but one that works! Great piece
An arch to treasure because you have personalised, Lynn, love the strong colours & great design!
Great arch, and great job...It is wonderful to hear of families playing together :).
What a delightful interpretation of the theme! Imagine the life of mother and daughter who live the life of the rodeo. Great use of colours too!
LOVELY arch Lynn! I like it even more because it is so speciel from your part of the world. And I do like that you added that rusty colour to go with the blue. Well done, and- yes, we did meet today again...
I love this arch.
Wonderful take on the theme Lynn, your arch looks great, every detail!
Awesome arch, Lynn! Your work is so wonderful! Lynn F.
OMG what a stunning arch.
Unbelievable design. Love them.
Wonderful arch, Lynn...so unique and beautifully created! Excellent!
Fantastic arch !great image!!
Absolutely beautiful arch!
That's a very beautiful arch!
Great job!!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leave a comment.
WOW...these are awesome...gorgeous work !!!
Wonderful arch!
What a great interpretation of the theme. I love it.
Gorgeous Arch
wonderful arch! love your rodeo theme!
brilliant take on the theme what a wonderful way to spend time together
I love it....and I am totally familiar with it, although it's more father-daughter around here, it seems. lol
Love your different approach to this arch, Lynn! Great rodeo collage.
Fabulous arch...love your design x
Lynn, I love your rodeo mom and kid. They do indeed represent well the Western family. My favorite vacation spot is Idaho (Henry's Fork area) so I probably would have used fishing people. But I always think horses when I think of the Western states.
Terrific Arch card! I really like the images used on this one.
this is fantastic! Love the images you used and composition! beautiful work!
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