Monday, May 13, 2013

You Are Beautiful

A fabric collage created for my Beautiful Mom on Mothers day.

What a crazy month it has been so far.
My DH had to have a surgery that's left him without
 the use of his right hand for the next six weeks. EEK.
So besides my regular day job, I've had to pull up the slack around here
mowing the yard & pasture, cooking, cleaning and everything else he did
while I am at work. Gosh I miss his right hand.....
I've had little time to create but did manage to get this made for my mom.
Hope you all had a wonderful Mothers day!


  1. Gorgeous piece, I am sure your Mom loved it! Hope your husband soon has his hand back! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Such a beautiful piece for your Mum Lynn, I bet she loved it, hope you both had a great Mother's Day. Good wishes to your hubbie, hope his hand gets better real soon, for both your sakes lol. Take care.
    hugs {Brenda} x0x

  3. Dear Lynn!
    Sounds like you have been really flying these last weeks :)
    Wonderful gift to your Mom, I am sure she Loves it!

  4. So very beautiful, Lynn,
    I`m sure your mother love it!!
    The romantic white style, is just so lovely, dear.

  5. Your poor honey! Sending all my best TLC vibes...
    (and poor you, too!)

    I spy with my little eye...
    a little piece of beautiful shimmery lace ~
    Brave you to actually use it!!

    SYS ~

  6. Sorry to hear about your hubby Lynn, hope he makes a speedy recovery . This piece is stunning. Love the image and all the gorgeous lace. Tracy x

  7. Hope hubby is doing as he is told so that the hand heals without any problems.

    What a stunning piece for Mother's Day.

    Toni xx

  8. That's beautiful, Lynn. I'm sure your mom loved it. I'm sure your DH being laid up really creates a lot more work for you - 6 weeks is a long time. Blessings to you both on this. Diane

  9. Beautiful collage for your mom. Healing prayers for your DH's hand. Life does happen when it chooses! Healing Hugs Dear...

  10. So pretty! I have never crocheted, but admire all the pretty examples I see out there.
    No creativity going on here with other "duty calls" issues going on. Have a great week.

  11. Even with only 3 hands at home, you made a masterpiece! So simple, beautiful and effective!

  12. LOL!! I know your Mom loved this piece, it is so beautiful, perfect for Mather's Day.

  13. This is so beautiful, Lynn. I am looking forward to the new collection from OE. So sorry for both of you about your husband's hand and all the EXTRA work! Yikes! Hang in there, girl.

  14. happy late mom's day lynn! isn't funny what we take for granite in life, like not having the use of that right hand! you are so cute how you said u miss that hand! aloha, angi

  15. Gorgeous, Lynn! Hope all goes well and your husband is back to using his hand soon!

  16. Lynn,
    This project is just stunning you did a great job on this, love the lace, your sewing etc... Just beautiful!

  17. What a stunning piece...I know your mom loves it! I feel for DH, I know what it is to not be able to use your hand for 6 wks. PITA all the way! And I know it's tough on you! Wow! And yet, your creativity flows! You rock, Lynn! All the best!

  18. What a stunning creation for your Mom Lynn, she must have loved getting that. So sorry to hear about your hubby, you will be worn out after 6 weeks! Hope you get some time to craft as well. Hugs, Anne x

  19. Oh no.. You are going to be busy. I do hope he heals soon.

    Your fabric collage looks beautiful. I always admire your work my friend.


  20. Hello Lynn,
    I am so sorry to hear about your husbands hand. My hubby had his broken at hockey and it was emergency surgery for him too.
    I really feel for you and all the extra work!
    Your mom must be thrilled with this lovely lace art for her. It is very sweet. I know I would be very delighted.
    I am wishing you the best for the next 6 weeks. I hope your husband is not too uncomfortable and that he heals beautifully.

  21. What a beautiful present for your mother! I love the lace and the image is just gorgeous! Hope everything else goes well!

  22. She is indeed hun. Lovely work Dxx

  23. Oh so lovely, Lynn! Actually, it's exquisite! (Sorry about your hubby's surgery...and about your added work! I'm glad my husband had his hernia surgery between Thanksgiving and Christmas---no lawns to mow!)

  24. Oh you poor thing!!! I lost most of last week and am just catching up, but not because of your circumstances! How lovely is this gift and I know your Mom was head over heals in love with it! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, even if you had to do all the cooking! Hugs!

  25. What a beautiful make Lynn. I am sure your mum will treasure it. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day too.

    Best wishes to your DH

    Annie xx

  26. Oh I see you used some of the wedding dress! I hope your DH heals quickly and is back to giving you a "hand" soon. ;o)


  27. What a beautiful gift!I'm sure your Mom will treasure it!
    I hope things get back to normal soon!Hope your DH is feeling better!

  28. wow what a fabbie gorgeous piece, a special piece for a special lady

  29. this is gorgeous Lynn! Hope you had a wonderful mother's day! I need to get busy and use up some lace!

  30. Hello Dear Lynn
    What a stunning collage for your dear Mum!
    So sorry to hear about your hubby's hand being out of action.
    Hope it is healing well now that a couple of weeks have passed!
    Sorry I've got behind in my commenting but thinking of you,
    Love and hugs,

  31. oh gosh, hope he's all better now! This is gorgeous! I was just looking at her new stamps yesterday...


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