Monday, April 8, 2013

How's This for An Easter Bonnet?

Every year I attend an Easter Bonnet Luncheon
with a few of my girlfriends.
While I used to create some crazy bonnets none can compare
to the one my GF Debbie made.
This year Peeps celebrated its 60th year and Debbie
took that as her cue for Fabulous Over the top bonnet!!!!!
Yes that's her tiny little face hidden under that hat.
Of Course she took 1st place for Most Creative.
let's all give her a BIG round of Applause!
Clap Clap Clap!!!!

Sold- Thank you Danielle
A couple of new pieces in my Etsy Shop

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Spring!!!


  1. Beautiful jewelry and that bonnet is just fantastic! Hugs, Valerie

  2. OMG - that's an insane bonnet! Great fun!

  3. hahaha....holy smacks that's some bonnet! There's a whole garden up there! Love it!

  4. "In my Easter Bonnet...with all the frills upon it!" F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. fun! Your newest jewelry pieces are lovely dear. I also adore your mini shrines in the previous post I missed. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  5. That bonnet is totally outrageous but so much fun!
    Your new bracelet is a looker.

  6. Oh my gosh, Lynn. Debbie always does things up above and beyond and her Easter bonnet was no exception. Do you have photos of yours?

    Great new jewelry pieces.


  7. Giant Peeps??? That is fantastic! And your ETSY pieces are fabulous, Lynn.

  8. Now this tells me that Debbie "Knows How To Party"!!!
    Sure Beats A Lamp Shade!!! Just TO fun, love it.
    Hugs Vada

  9. OMG!!! that bonnet is fabulous!!! what a wonderful and over the top creation and the person who wears must be a whole lot of fun!
    Your new pieces are beautiful Lynn ...

  10. Oh ~ I SO hope she wears that next week!!! It is fantastic!!
    And I definitely want to see yours!

    Beautiful jewelry ~

  11. I love your jewelry pieces, beautiful. That hat beats all!!

  12. Love the new jewelry and that hat is just divine !

  13. Wow, this is definitely a bonnet! What fun! .. and those jewellery pieces are fabulous!

  14. What an amazing bonnet and I love your jewellery pieces.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  15. That is one big bonnet!! :-D Congratulations to her for winning! Really like the jewelry! I have not worked on any jewelry in a while now - I need to get busy.
    Have a great week.

  16. Fab bonnet. It reminded me of my Grandmother. Every year I helped her make one for a little comp at the pub she worked in. Happy memories!

  17. Stunning jewellery Lynn and what a fabulous bonnet.

    Hugs Annie x

  18. congratulations Debbie, it is a wonderful hat, thanks for sharing

  19. WOW!! That is one crazy bonnet. Love it. I also love your amazing Jewelry..

    Hope you are enjoying your week so far.


  20. Wow, Thank you so much for sharing this and putting a HUGE peep of a smile on my face this morning! That is one big happy bonnet for sure! Kudos to your friend and the biggest happest bonnet I have ever seen! Clap Clap Clap!

  21. Clap! Clap! Clap! indeed! Made me smile! Chrisx

  22. What a hat that is!! Had to be such a fun event! Lovely jewelry as always, GF! Hope you are having a fabby week. We had an incredible dust storm yesterday, all day! I have never in 16 years living here seen such a mess. Everything covered with dirt and not just a little! Hugs!

  23. Oh my gosh, it took a full beat or two for me to realize there's a person under that creation!

    And, Lynn, your jewelry is STUNNING.

  24. Absolutely Fan Freekin tastic!!!! Those are some huge peeps!!! Love it! Your jewelry is gorgeous!!
    ps..I left you an email!!! happy happy!!!!

  25. Is this your friend Debbie whose name I see published often in The Stampers' Sampler?
    That is an incredible Easter bonnet - I wonder, did she have a headache after wearing this, it looks so heavy.
    Lynn, your jewellery is so incredible.

  26. Beautiful Jewelry my friend...but that bonnet???? WOW!

    Please be sure to share whatever you create for the SWAP. I know you'll create something fabulous!


  27. That Easter hat is absolutely hilarious! It took my eye a few minutes to spot her head under all that hat! lol! I love your jewelry. Beautiful! Thanks for your very kind comments on my circus art--so much fun!

    Hope you're having a great week!



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