Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Oregon Coast

We're back from our trip to the Oregon coast.
Stopped along the way to take in the waterfalls.

Vic & I.
At a fish hatchery.

Gorgeous Falls!

Found shipwreck's on the beach.

 Four Stevens and look they even named it after us! LOL

Enjoying the local cuisine.

Our view from our tent one day.

We had our Anniversary dinner at Tidal Raves. It was wonderful!

This is right outside the restaurant, we had a gorgeous ocean view.

spent some time at the Aquarium

This little guy was darling!

In Newport we took this boat out crabbing.

We each limited out on  crab.

This was a working boat where we all had a job to do. Vic helped pull pots.
I had to check the size and sexes for keepers.(no that's NOT me) LOL
I did get pinched a couple of times really good and
unfortunately did get a little sea sick when we hit the ocean.

The beautiful coast


We walked along the beach and will cherish all these memories for a lifetime.


  1. Oh Lynn, how awesome! My husband wants to take me to Olympic park someday, as it was one of the stations he was at in the navy. I so want to see that side of the country. It looks like you had an amazing time!


  2. Isn't the Oregon Coast beautiful? That's one of my favorite rides! Looks like you had a wonderful time!
    Thanks for sharing, the memories you spurred for me were good ones!

  3. What a wonderful couple you two are! I'm hoping that you had a wonderful time, I'm envious of the ocean......sigh!! Thanks for sharing. And I just think that little otter is precious! Diane

  4. Lynn, what a lovely vacation and so many memories to cherish! Beautiful pictures, even if a bit on the cloudy side! Happy Anniversary! Hugs!

  5. Belated anniversary greetings Lynn. These photos demonstrate what a fabulous time you both had. Thanks for sharing with your crafty friends. Hope you are well rested.x c looking forward to viewing your future creations. Crafty hugs Annie x

  6. Fabulous photos, thank you for sharing them! Oregon is on my bucket list of places to see!

  7. Beautiful views and love your sand writing on the beach. Looks like you had a good time. Happy Anniversary!

  8. Hi Lynn,
    welcome back and happy anniversary.
    Looks like you had a grand time:)
    Thank's for sharing your beautiful pics.Love that heart:)
    Have a lovely day.

  9. Lynn,

    Looks like you had a good time! The pictures are GREAT! Glad you got some time away and some sea air!

    Hugs and LOVE,

  10. And you drove within 20 miles of Elgin each way, didn't you? HWY 84 from Portland? ;-) It looks as if you had the most marvelous time! You tented? Not me...I'm a motel gal. We leave next week for Crater Lake...a location on my "bucket list." Glad you had such a great vacation.

  11. Beautiful photos, looks like you had a good time at that wonderful place! Thanks for sharing! Valerie

  12. wow you guys had a great time, thank you for sharing the wonderful photos. x

  13. Happy Anniversary, dear Lynn! It seems like you both had a wonderful vacation! The scenery is beautiful and especially the waterfalls are amazing. With the fog in the background, the ship wreck almost looks a little bit spooky. Otters are so cute. I love those guys.
    Have a great week :-)!

  14. We LOVE Oregon, specifically Newport. My BIL was the harbour master there years ago and we've been many times...Turtle Beach..love it. My SIL still lives there and we're dieing to go back. There's a Bed & Breakfast Boat on the Aquarium side of the area we're looking to go to.
    Great pics!


  15. Looks like fun--I wish I was back there visiting. is that horsetail falls along the scenic highway? I was in Newport also when we were there.

  16. This is so beautiful, looks like the perfect setting for your anniversary. Congratulations to the two of you!

  17. Congratulations on your anniversary looks and sounds like you both had a fantastic time. Good R&R XOXO Zoe

  18. what a wonderful stash of memories you both have stored up on this trip to the Oregon coast. it is the highlight of any year for us to go there and tank up on the aura of the seashore!
    you deserved this trip so after what you have been through this past year with your health...
    big hugs Karla
    PS: I was married at the haunted Yaquina Bay Lighthouse in a romantic Victorian style...

  19. Sounds like a fantastic trip...minus the tent part...lol. Hope your anniversary trip was all that you wanted it to be. Belated Happy Anniversary!

  20. Looks like a wonderful anniversary trip -- but, seriously, did you say tent?:):) Wow, those days are so, so over for me!

  21. Looks like a lovely trip; just beautiful! Happy Anniversary to Lynn and Vic!

  22. Looks like a lovely time and you made some new memories. Happy Anniversary...

  23. Welcome back my sweet Lynn.
    I lhope you and Vic ahave a wonderful time together.
    Thanks for sharing us this wonderful photos.

  24. welcome back home my sweet friend. Looks like you had a great time. I just love Oregon. Cannon Beach is such a pretty beach to stroll on and I love all the little shops in town.

    Thanks so much for sharing all your photos..


  25. What fabulous photos and it sounds like you are having a wonderful time.

    Toni xx

  26. Aaaawwwweeee, the heart in the sand! Sooooo romantic!
    Lovely places, beautiful scenery and cool details.

  27. Looks like you had a great trip. Those falls are gorgeous.

  28. Sounds incredibly wonderful Lynn... looks like you had a magical time... and just love all the beautiful photos...

    Jenny x

  29. It looks such an amazing trip. So good to share all your fabulous pics and read about it. Thanks so much.... where are we going next time, tee, hee!?!
    JoZarty x

  30. Herrliche Fotos, liebe Lynn.
    Das sieht nach einem schönen erholsamen Urlaub aus.

    Aber es ist auch schön, dass du wieder hier bist :-)

    Liebe Grüße

  31. Wonderful post, Lynn--thank you for sharing your trip with us!


  32. How fun- I love that area and Multonoma Falls is one of my favorite beautiful places ever! How fun to go out 'crabbin'- beautiful pictures- did you miss the computer?

  33. Wonderful pics! Looks like a great trip and lovely time with your hubby. Happy Anniversary!

  34. Lynn these are wonderful photographs, so good of you to share them with us.
    I love that sweet heart in the sand.
    Glad you both had this special time together.

  35. What fabulous photos ... it looks so beautiful! It looks like the two of you were having a wonderful and well deserved vacation!

  36. Lynn, I'm thrilled you had such a fun time on the coast enjoying mother nature and dedicated time with Vic. A wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary enjoying each other and the beauty around you.


  37. Wow, what a fabulous vacation you had! Thanks for sharing so many pictures with us. It makes me feel like I went along too : )

  38. I LOVED your photos! I lived in Eugene for many years, and used to take my kids to the Oregon coast often while they were growing up. It is just beautiful all up and down the state--so glad you had a nice trip--you and your hubby look so happy!

  39. Looks like you had an awesome vacation! Were there any gold coins laying around that sunken ship? Wouldn't that be awesome?!!!


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