Friday, November 18, 2011

My Third Blogaversary Winners


I never would have thought there would be so much interest in my little giveaway. Thank you all for signing up. My only wish is that I could award each and every one of you with a prize!

The best part was getting to visit all your blogs
and discovering more amazing artists!!
So much talent out there
Of course I couldn't possible afford to ship out 313 prizes. So on with the winners. Here's how it works. The first # drawn gets first choice of the three prizes I posted in my earlier drawing, the second # gets second choice and the third gets whats left.

There were 313 entries for the regular drawing that everyone who left a comment for was eligible. I used the Random # Generator to do the dirty work..the #'s drawn were

Regular Drawing

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
135 225 193
Timestamp: 2011-11-19 03:33:15 UTC

1st place is Creative Grammie
2nd place is She Uses Her Words- Karen
3rd place is Tamarajayne

Surprise Giveaway
A sweet little owl pendant
All of these goodies, A handmade tussie mussie filled with vintage laces
 handmade ornaments, A gorgeous vintage mercury bulb.
Vintage music sheets,some lovely vintage scrap
 and a few more surprises I toss in the mix.

Thank you to all who helped spread the word.
I wrote down each and every name when I visited your blogs and you were assigned a # in order.
The free stamps had two pages. I had to use the other side for all the names.
There were 128 Entries for the Surprise Drawing for everyone who posted on there blogs!

the winning # is 43

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-11-19 03:37:21 UTC

Country Wings in Phoenix

 Stamp Giveaway.
there were 190 entries WOW
Again I wrote down each name when you mentioned the word BONUS
 in your comment and you were assigned a # in order
I have 19 envelopes ready to go, all have at least three stamps some have more.

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
18 78 72 36 22
134 40 156 17 64
26 173 50 75 144
182 57 31 110 
Timestamp: 2011-11-19 03:40:17 UTC

The winners are as follows
Linda- Lambwool, Devonay, Carol Brungar, Rush, Judith Tetlety, Donna Doni-Lady D,
Cher,Aisling, Arty Marty, Petra, Elaine, Karen Liz, Nancy Markesty, Valerie- Craftattack, Carol Stuck,
Kiwi Chris, Suzi, JoAnne -Vintage Dragonfly, Rhissanna, Tracy Cuddlebunny

For all the winners please email me with your snail mail address
so I can send out your stamps and gifts.
If I am unable to reach any of the winners
and they don't contact me within 48 hours I will redraw #'s
Congratulations to all the Winners!!!!
Thank you all again for playing along!!


  1. What a generous giveaway! Congrats to all the lucky winners.

  2. Congratulations to all the Winners!!

  3. Congrats to all of the winners! you are all very lucky indeed!!!

  4. Whoo Hoo! Congrats to all the winners!

  5. I must not have been paying attention! I'd jump through all of the hoops for anything of yours! Congrats to the lucky winners!

  6. WOW Congrats to all those lucky Winners !!!
    thanks for the chances
    hugs Nikki

  7. Dear Lynn
    We all appreciate the most wonderful effort you have gone to in making so many blogers happy and I am amongst them so I am such a lucky person today!
    Congratulations to ALL the winners.
    You are such a kind and generous woman.
    Soon you can kick back when all has been posted out.
    Big hugs,

  8. one of the best giveaways ever (I appreciate all the work you have put in). congrats to the winners! :)

  9. Congratulations to all the lucky winners of your beautiful works of art. I am a teeny weeny bit jealous LOL XXX

  10. That was a lot of fun! You are so generous and sweet! Patsy from

  11. Oh My Goodness Sweetie...
    I am SO thrilled. I can't believe I won a treasure from you. Thank you SO much.

    Congratulations to all of the winners as well. What a generous giveaway my sweet friend. Just in time for the holiday decorating. Let the fun begin. Thank you for your generous giveaway. I still can't believe I won a treasure.

    Many hugs sweetie and SO much love, Sherry

  12. Congrats to All The Happy Winners!

    This was really lovely giveaway!

  13. Hi Lynn Sweetie...
    Sherry here from Country Wings in Phoenix. I have tried several times to connect to your email and it is not letting me. I am sure it has something to do with the new computer I have, but can you email me at ( and I can email you my mailing address? I can't get through to you.

    Again, I am so thrilled to own one of your treasures. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  14. What a wonderful way to celebrate your blogaversary Lynn - so many lovely visitors.

    Congrats to all the lucky winners.

    Toni xx

  15. You are always so generous with your giveaway.. Congrats to all the Lucky winners..

    You are one talented Lady!!

    Hugs, Linda

  16. congratulations to all the winners!!!

  17. Congratulations to all who won a gift in your so very generous giveaway!!!
    How busy you must have been keeping track and visiting each blog. Don't you wish that blogger would automatically number each comment.
    Thank you for visiting me too, and for posting my giveaway in your sidebar.
    Hugs Alveen

  18. this was so much fun! merci for the opportunity to win such lovely creations lynn :)

  19. Wow Lynn! There were so many followers--you are truly appreciated in the craft world. Congrats to all the winners!

  20. Congrats to all the winners my friend!!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving Miss Lynn! Blessings to you and those you love for a beautiful day~


  21. Whether a winner or not, it is a pleasure to visit your blog. Your art is so enjoyable to look at.

  22. Congrats to all of the lucky winners! Gorgeous prizes!

  23. Wow- so many lucky winners- you are so very generous!

  24. Hi Lynn,
    Wow, I bet that took ages to work out the winners. lol
    Congratulations to all the winners!
    Creative hugs,

  25. Lynn what a generous amount of gives. Congratulations to all the winners. Wonderful week to you dear...

  26. This was such a fun giveaway Lynn...thank you so much for the opportunity to play along and win something! Congrats to all of the winners!

  27. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Thank you,dear Lynn for
    the chance to win and for all your hard work.Have a wonderful week ahead.

  28. Congrats to the winners and so sorry I missed the blogaversary. Congrats you Lynn for producing such a nice blog.

  29. Lynn you had so many enter because your work is amazing and it was a wonderful and generous giveaway... thanks so much for the chance and congrats to all the VERY lucky winners... look forward to what you are doing next!
    Crafty Hugs,

  30. Aloha Lynn,
    OMG! I'm so excited, I won! Thank you so much Lynn! I'll email my addy right now.
    Warm hugs of Aloha to you!

  31. Congrats to all the winners! I have mailed you my addy! Valerie

  32. Congratulations to all the winners ~ I feel very lucky to be part of this and even luckier to be placed. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity xx

  33. oh wow what an event?! Congrats to all the winners!

  34. I won some stamps! YEAH! Thank you so much for all your effort and hard work Lynn. This has been quite a 'project' to celebrate. A big congratulations to all the other winners. xxDonna

  35. Wow, so many happy, thankful people today! Congrats to all and have fun with your new found goodies :)

  36. There are some very happy people in blogland now, congratulations to all the lucky winners. It was an amazingly generous giveaway.

  37. Lynn
    I am not in the least bit surprised you had such an amazing reaction to your Giveaway.
    Your prizes, as always, were so special.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  38. Well I know there are some very happy winners! Congrats ladies! Do love that owl pendant and what a great surprise! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  39. Congratulations to all the winners and wow, that has to be the most generous giveaway ever - thank you for the fun. x

  40. Congrats to the winners and congrats you to too Lynn on your 3rd year! Hugs!

  41. Thank you! Thank you! Oh WOW! congratulation to all the other winners, too!

  42. Thank you! Thank you! Oh WOW! congratulation to all the other winners, too!

  43. congrats to your winners! they are jumping for joy for sure!

  44. Hi, Lynn
    You were so generous in your giveaway!
    Congratulations to all of the winners~
    Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Teresa in California

  45. Oh WOW, congrats to all the winners--I know so many of them and I'm so HAPPY for them!!! Your work is GORGEOUS--and they must be thrilled.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, my friend.

  46. Oh, Poo! But big congratulations to all the winners ~~

  47. Ouu! I'm just getting to visit! I hope I'm not too late!

    And even if I am ... thank you to Lynn, for always being so thoughtful and sharing so much!

  48. I haven't visited you for ages Lynn so thought it was about TIME!!! Fabulous pendant and I see lots of other goodies here too.

  49. Congratulations to all the winners! Giveaways are so fun--and everyone is always so generous--hopefully I can have one soon myself! I think bloggers are just the best, don't you?

  50. Congrats to all of your lucky winners! That was fun! ♥

  51. oh dear I'm naughty, I was a winner and have only just gone back to my blog for the first time since this was drawn to see I had won damn it pays to keep up with your blog. I hope the redrawn winner is enjoying their prize.Thanks Lyn and sorry I didn't reply within the 48 hours.I've learnt my lesson now lol


I really Love your visits and your comments!