Friday, July 15, 2011

Sometimes life Isn't fair!!!

I wasn't sure I wanted to post about this. Only a few of you know already but here goes....

I've had some complications from the  surgery I had last Sept. I never expected this at all.
On Wednesday I went to see my Dr. for a lump by my belly button. He said it was a hernia, not such  a big deal or so we thought. Since my scar was so large my surgeon decided to use a scope to see what was going on inside. Well its seems I had 5 hernias  and my intestines had attached themselves to the inside of my stomach lining. Along the bottom of my scar there was an area that recessed in.
So the next AM I had to go in for yet another surgery. My Dr. repaired the hernias and attached mesh over my entire stomach to hold everything in place using 45 pins. He had to cut away tissue from the lower area and pull the skin together, He also had to cut the intestines away from my stomach lining.
I have 8 places on the outside with multiple stitches where it holds everything in place.
It was supposed to be a simple surgery but you know me, nothing seems to be simple these days.
4 hours later I was sent to recovery , they couldn't give me any pain meds because my blood pressure was to low and I wasn't getting enough oxygen.  So I spent two hours in excruciating pain until I was stable enough for pain meds. I had to stay overnight. I have a brace to hold everything in plaee for now.
I'm home now and on strong pain meds. Hopefully this is the last of it!!!! Recovery is around 6 weeks.
But I thought you all might be wondering why I won't be posting much.
So yes sometimes life isn't fair. I guess you could say I'm having a pity party these days!!!


  1. Lynn, that sounds horrible and I bet it was even worse than you make it sound... I SO hope you will feel relief soon. It takes so long to heal from all these minor and major surgery issues. I feel for you!

  2. GOOD GRIEF Girl....I really feeeel for you sure have been through the mill with these operations. You are in my thoughts and wishing you a VERY speedy recovery....TAKE GOOD CARE....
    Cynnie oxo

  3. When you told me all of this, I could not help but think that life has not been fair to you! Girl you are so entitled to a pity party and I think most of us will attend! You are such a sweet friend and I hate that you have to endure this! Well the good news is that you are here and will heal, so just take care and don't worry about posting! Just make sure you behave yourself! Love and Hugs!

  4. Wishing you a very speedy and uneventful recovery

  5. O`my... I don`t really know how to say in english how I feel...but I Really wish you All the Best and Best wishes for a quick recovery!
    Take Care!

  6. Oh Lynn how awful, you are not having a good time of it. I really do hope this is it and you make a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself and take it easy. Tracy x

  7. Big hugs, Lynn....that sounds so incredibly painful and no fun at all! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for a speedy recover, girl.

  8. Oh my goodness you poor thing! I will be thinking of you in my prayers hunny and just take it easy I hope this wasn't (their fault) causing you so much more discomfort pain and inconvenience. I do hope you will be over all this horrid op soon. look after your self hun I am sure you DH will be on tender hooks for you (shall I send you a little bell for him ;0) ha ha ) you have got to laugh some times haven't you? Hoping you get very well very soon

    Love Dawn xx

  9. Oh Lynn! You poor thing! Sending you love and wishes for a speedy recovery from "over the pond". Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful things when you're feeling up to it .

    Jo xx

  10. So sorry Lynne, had similar experiences last year after an OP to remove my ovaries and some giant cysts, which had attached themselves to different organs, and lead to a much bigger OP than planned. Hope you are feeling better soon, lots of hugs and sparkles, Valerie

  11. Oh Lynn, how awful that it turned out to be such a big deal and not the straight forward affaire that you were expecting. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Love & hugs
    Toni xx

  12. I am so, so sorry Lynn. YOu have already been through so much. I hope this is it now, and you will recover really well. Your artwork is still some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Sending you hugs which you are probably glad right now are virtual ones,


  13. Miss Lynn OH my.... I'm sent lots of hugs for a speedy recovery... we miss you and wish you well..... hugs wendy

  14. You DESERVE to have a pity party! You DON'T deserve to go through any more! Hope those 6 weeks goes by fast, fast, fast!

    Take care girl and God bless!

    Hugs! ~~Connie

  15. Well goodness!! I had no idea. I havent been by in a while. I hope that you will be feeling well soon. Hugs and prayers, Kim B xoxox

  16. PS I love the little pillow you posted, wonderful work!!! always. xx

  17. Lynn... I hope your recovery is speedy and less painful! So sorry to hear about the complications. Hugs and prayers coming your way!

  18. You deserve a pity party, Lynn after all you've been through. I do hope that this will be the last surgery you need.

    Please know that I'm thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery.

    Take care, Chris x

  19. Cripes, you are in the wars again! Hope you recover quickly, and they keep the pain under control.
    Take care.

  20. I was so saddened to read your post ! You go right on and have a pity party thoroughly deserved. My thoughts and wishes and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Keep away from the computer !!! We will all be here waiting for you when you return.


  21. Hi Lynn...I am so so sorry to hear you are having such tough stuff to go through. I hope you heal very fast with no more complications. I have health issues from a surgery that take me from my art and the blog world for weeks and as much as I hate it I'm always so glad that I those things to look forward to! Look forward to your speedy recovery and more of your wonderful inspirational art! Love, Nan

  22. OH DEAREST Lynn! you do not deserve so many worrisome days in your creative life...please know how much we care at the cozy cottage and pray that your recovery will be swift and you can dream of days ahead free from worry.
    Soft hugs to you....Karla

  23. Lynn, so sorry about all you have been through. I'll say a special prayer for you for a speedy, pain free and complete recovery. Sometimes the meds can make you feel bad too. Take care, Connie

  24. Oh my goodness Lynne, I hope this is the final surgery and you can start doing fun things again! I'm thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Much love and hugs to you! Kim xoxo

  25. You poor love:(, wishing you a speedy recovery. Take it easy and spoil yourself a little.



  26. OMG-I am so sorry to hear this. I wish you a speedy and successful recovery!

  27. May God our Healer...Heal your body Lynn! I know about pain and recovery. Hang in there. I know it's tough. Cry and let it out. When you feel a smile...let that out too. God loves you. You are not alone, even when you feel you are...I know this from experience. xoxo Lovey

  28. Dear Lynn,

    Gee whiz you have been through it haven't you!!
    I had an Inguinal hernia operation many years ago. Would you believe I had to go to 7 different Dr's before they even found out what it was? Yep, the 7th Dr. just pressed on the lower right side said cough and viola' it's a hernia!!

    Well my dear you are home and I will say prayers that you will be feeling right as rain very soon!!

    We will be here when you need us!!

    Love and Hugs,


  29. Goodness Lynne so sorry to hear about your surgery and all the pain afterwards. I do hope you will be feeling well soon.

    bee blessed

  30. Sending you a big heartfelt hug! You take it easy and allow yourself to heal, both physically and emotionally. We love you and will be waiting for you when you feel better......

  31. Sending you a big heartfelt hug! You take it easy and allow yourself to heal, both physically and emotionally. We love you and will be waiting for you when you feel better......

  32. Poor poor you .. this all sounds horrible and I feel so so sorry for all you have to go through. You definitely deserve a fantastic and giant pity party! Wishing you all the best and a very speedy recovery! Miss you and your art!!! Take care and lots of hugs, Petra. x

  33. Sending you huge hugs Lynn and pray this is the end of it all. Love Annette x

  34. All the best for a speedy recovery!!! You're absolutely right sometimes life isn't fair!

  35. Hope you get to feeling better. My friend had the exact same thing happen to her recently. She was in a whole lot of pain, but it's been a few months now and she's much better!

  36. Lynn, you go ahead with that pity party ... i am thinking that you need it ... at least for a bit ... miss ya lots! so heal, my friend, just focus on healing ... and know that I am sending you healing thoughts and vibes across the miles ...

  37. I care about you and wish you a FAST recovery. I'll be thinking of you.

  38. Dear me Lynn I am so sorry to hear you are having a tough time. My you don't do things by half.. sending you lots of gentle cyber ((hugs)) and wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Best wishes. Gez.xx

  39. sure can have a pity party! That's a big deal all that you have been through!!
    I hope you are on the mend and feeling better each day!

  40. I am so sorry to hear about your surgery! I hope you feel better soon!

  41. Oh my, you've had a heck of a time, haven't you?! I hope you are on the TOTAL mend now and feeling better soon!


  42. Oh Dear Lynn!! What a huge event, and I'm so sorry you have to go through it... but hopefully the worst of it is over, and each day you will feel better and better. I wish I could come over and bring you a tray full of lovely treats, a nice cold glass of something sweet, and a huge (but gentle) hug to make you feel better. Hang in there...remember the old song, "one day at a time"...He will give you grace!
    Blessings, Doni

  43. Oh my dear Lynn. I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Rest and recuperate and let others do for you so you can heal properly and quickly. My prayers will be constant for you...

  44. Sending hugs your way and have you in my thoughts! I hope your recovery goes well and is a quick one for you. You have all the pity parties you want, you have earned the right. Your project is beautiful! Of course you always have such beautiful laces and fabrics to use.

  45. Lynn,
    You are in my prayers for a complete and speedy recovery. We are all thinking about you and want you to take care of yourself; better yet, let others take care of you.

  46. Lynn, I am SO sorry you are going through this. What a year you have had! Here's wishing a speedy and permanent recovery. Take care my friend.

    xox Kris

  47. oh my goodness lynne! really? wow...i think you've had ENOUGH of this already! oh my..i'm so sorry sweets! i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. lord but you're a trooper!

  48. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my art this week. I hope you are resting and being on the mend. My thoughts and well wishes are with you. take care, gerri

  49. After reading all of the comments from your followers, you must feel a tiny bit better...maybe not pain wise but within the heart.

    We love you,

  50. Oh my Goodness Lynn,
    You do nothing by half, do you???
    *I wish I lived closer so I could at least make a cuppa and have a chat with you!
    You poor lovey, sending you heaps of healing hugs,

  51. Oh Lynn, that is awful. You poor thing, not fair at all! I am so glad you are all fixed up and on the mend. Just know we are all rooting for you to get well soon,and get back to making beautiful pieces. Sending a big (soft) hug. Riki

  52. Oh sweet Lyn...I will pray for you!!! I know its a really bummpy road right now..Love ya lots!! Get better soon!

    for you LYNN
    you've had enough
    coming your way

  54. Oh Lynn, That sounds just awful. I'm so sorry that you had to undergo another surgery and now have such pain. Hopefully everything will heal in a little while and you feel much better soon.
    Sending you hugs and warm wishes,

  55. That is so horrible the pain you are having to endure. I hope it eases quickly and you heal for good this time. Connie :)

  56. I'd say you have a right to have a pity party. I'm so sorry Lynn. You've really had an ordeal. Please know that you're thought of and loved. I will be praying for a complete recovery for you. Blessings, Diane

  57. Lynn, I am sending positive energy and healing prayers your way. You have been through a huge ordeal so give yourself time to heal and permission to slow down. Much love to you my friend.

  58. Lynn, hugs to you for a speedy recovery!

  59. Oh my! Lynn, sounds like you had the worst nightmare going on, and girl youkeep strong and fit, and never mind about a pity party, I think you deserve a medal! keep well, and fit and hugs from me in the UK, thiking of you

  60. Oh my goodness. When it rains it pours. Sending you best wishes for sunnier days ahead, and a speedy and complete recovery to boot!

  61. As you it is a pity to me! But you strong! I very much hope that all will be good! You can be healthy and happy!

  62. Dear Lynn, there's a lot of blogging friends out there sending you lots of healing hugs and I am one of them. None of us envy what you are going through but hope in a short little while it will all be behind you!
    Take care and let others do for you!

  63. Oh My goodness, Lynn! I'm really worried about you.
    Wish you very speedy recovery! Let's give you a hug! You`re in my thoughts!
    MARTINA oxo

    By the way: Your work is very adorable! Gorgeous piece!

  64. So sorry to hear of what you are having to go through. Wishing you a speedy recovery, take care, love Sharon x

  65. Hey, I think you allowed a pity party mrs woman!!! What an ordeal, with no pain meds too... positive vibes winging your way

  66. Oh wow, I'm so sorry you have had such a terrible time of it. Hopefully the worst is over and it's uphill from here. Laura

  67. This sounds just horrible and you have every reason to complain. I'm so sorry you had to go through this ordeal and now have another 6 weeks ahead of you in recovery. Let's just hope things go well. Try to think positive to help with your recovery. Hopefully the worst is behind you. Praying for some relief for you! xoxo

  68. Dear Lynn
    If anyone deserves to be holding a Pity Party, it is most certainly you.
    Life is most definitely not fair at times but this is taking it to a whole new level.
    My turn to open up and say that last night I had a bad night due to pain and you were in my mind. I thought of you and all you are dealing with it and made my pain more bearable. You see Lynn, not only do you have impact with your art, with your kindness but by sharing your story you helped me out in a way you probably would never have imagined.
    You have amazing strength and that plus the love of your family and everyone who cares for you here in Blogland, you will get through this.
    Wish I had a magic wand to take all the pain away for you.
    Sending a hug.
    Lynne x

  69. Oh, Lynn, I hope and pray that this is it... that everything heals well and in record time and that there are no further complications!!!! Hugs!!

  70. Oh, Lynn, so sorry this all happened to you. You are sure not deserving. Life happens in mysteries ways and they sure catch us off guard. Take and hopefully you will heal quickly and that the future will be bright as you are.

  71. Thinking of you and praying that this time they got it right!

    Gentle Hugs and Love!

  72. Here's hoping the pain diminishes and healing takes the express. May you find some movies and books to take you to a different place.

  73. Gosh Lynn, I don't even know what to say. You've certainly gotten the lion's share of unfair lately. I'm praying for you and for this to be the very "last of it" forever. Be well, gentle hugs.

  74. Holy Cow Lynn!!! You poor thing! You have every right to complain. That's gotta hurt! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! {{big hugs}}

  75. Ouch! Got teary eyed just reading about it. Wishing you a speedy recovery. {genle hug}

  76. I am sooooo sorry my friend. That just sound so painful. That would be so horrible to go through with out pain meds.. Take it easy my and I will be praying for you..

    Hugs, Linda

  77. Oh Lynn, I am so sorry this is happen! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a very very speedy recovery! ~ Carol

  78. Sending you healing energy and happy thoughts. Here's to a quick and easy recovery!

  79. Ohhhhhhhh Lynn, no, not more! That's it GF, we aren't allowing any more stuff to happen to you, you are done now. Stay healthy and get strong fast, gentle hugs and strong prayers, xxoo luv ya!

  80. Oh Lynn - how awful for you! I can't imagine surgery without painkillers, nor being held together with pins and mesh. Sometimes the simplest of things just don't turn out that way.
    I hope this will be the last of it and that you will heal quickly and well.
    And in your down time I hope you are gifted with your best ideas ever!

  81. Sweet Lynn ~
    I am sad that you have had to endure so much pain. I am sending along prayers for restoration and quick quick healing. I can tell you still have a positive outlook and that is inspiring! Blessings, ~ katie

  82. Holy crap, that's unreal! In a way, I'm kind of relieved, as I was reading I thought you were going to mention the "C" word, and I was sincerely hoping that wasn't it. However, it sounds horrible anyways, and I wish you a speedy recovery, I'm so glad it could be fixed.

  83. Dear Lynn,
    Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about this! I am praying for you dear girl. You have been through so much. But I am glad you shared it with us. So we can all be praying for you.
    Please take it easy and don't push yourself-we will be here for you!
    Healing hugs being sent your way.
    Sonya xo

  84. Oh my! Hope you heal quickly and this is the last of it! Take care! Hugs, Helene

  85. Oh Lynn, that is just awful!!
    You went through so much already -
    it is not fair.Thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery,GF.
    Take it easy.

  86. Lynn, I am so sorry you had to go through that! I hope this will correct the problems and allow you to recover fully! You are inmy prayers!

  87. A very speedy recovery to you, and NO more issues!

  88. hope you are feeling better. you have really been having a streak of bad luck lately. hope you are well enough to get back your art soon. doing things you like is the best medicine.

  89. Gee whiz, Lynn, you hit the nail on the head...sometimes life isn't fair! I had a hernia repaired in January at the bottom of a scar by my belly button. It wasn't fun for just one...but 5! Major suckimoto!!!
    Do take your time and take good care of yourself through this recovery! God bless!

  90. Praying you have a speedy recovery Lynn.


  91. Oh Bless you. I am so sorry to hear about this terrible happening. No fun at all!!! The pain side sounds horrendous too.

    My torn ham string seems miniscule in comparison. This may take about 6 weeks to mend too. We can be recovering together. I must admit it seems to be healing very quickly. Must not do too much to soon, as I usually do.

  92. Not good! Take care of yourself and hopefully this will all be behind you real soon!

  93. OH Lynn. I feel so bad for you. I know how awful those type of operations are as I had my large intestine and part of my small removed long ago and will never have a normal system again. Very painful every day but I smile and act as if things are fine. Some days are worse than others. Hang in there and I pray for you that you will heal up fine this time and not have any more complications. Try to keep a good attitude as healing really does need that.

  94. Lynn,
    I am so very sorry to hear this. My lovely sil had an initial incident like you did and has recovered well. It just isn't fair. I cannot believe all the complications you have had and had a similar incident years ago with no pain meds in the recovery room. That is really not fair. i support you in your pity party and just want things to get better for you. Sending a huge (but careful) hug.

  95. I hope you are feeling so much better!!! Thanks so much for introducing me to the Divas. I had so much fun!!!

  96. Oh Lynn how awful! You have had such a rough time lately and it truly isn't fair. I hope this most recent surgery finally gets everything resolved. Take your time and REST - and know that many good wishes and prayers are being sent your way :-)

  97. i'm behind on my blog hopping and just now saw this post. i'm so sorry you went through this ordeal. you are such a dear person full of love and light. so much we cannot understadn in this world! i hope you are feeling much better and that this stomachmadness is now truly fixed & over with. much love xoo

  98. Good gracious, Lynn, I'm just now reading about this. I am sooooo so sorry to hear about all of these complications, and especially about the horrible pain you have endured. You are in my thoughts even now, a week later - I hope you are healing well and very quickly. Take care, and plan your week-long spa retreat as a treat for yourself once you are stitch, staple, and mesh-free!!! {HUGS}, Jean


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