Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Yes that day is finally here, HALLOWEEN although this year I missed out on most of it. Didn't get a chance to do any Halloween decorating or go to any costume parties, but I did get some treats for the kiddies tonight  and I received the most amazing swap gift from the Sweet and Sinister swap. My swap partner was Kim Nielsen, she doesn't have a blog but oh my gosh she was so generous, just look at all the treats she sent me.

Wooden boo blocks, treats of every kind. The most amazing glass hourglass. A Halloween bracelet and earrings. vintage Skelly's,
                                                          What I sent her part one.

I had started to put my swap things together when I became ill so I hadn't been able to finish mine. Poor Kim had to wait to get the rest of hers. I sent on part 1 on time, but the rest is in the mail , no pic of that yet. Don't want to spoil it for her just in case she sees this, but I think she will be pleased.

I hope she liked it so far...

I also wanted to share the amazing atc's I received from my Yahoo group Poe swap.

Top left to right. Kris Dickinson, Gina Atkins, Teri Chinen,
bottom, April Dudko, Kim Smith, Marion Bockelman. Thanks ladies there awesome.

Happy Halloween Everyone!


  1. Love those Poe cards. I am a fan of his. Looks like you got lots of Halloween Goodies from your swap partner. Hopefully you will be well for all the rest of the holidays. Happy Halloween, Hugs, Kim

  2. wow.....all those goodies, how wonderful, the atcs look fab

  3. Oh, Lynn - what did you get for wonderful Halloween gifts? I`m jealous! But you`ve earned it. I`m very happy for you.

  4. Oooo, you received lots of treats....glad you didn't get any tricks! Hope you are behaving yourself.

  5. those Poe cards are gorgeous ... you hang with a talented group of people! and lucky you with that wonderful swap!

  6. Yes Lynn, you did go above and beyond with the excuse not to decorate for Halloween. Don't let it happen again, 'kay!

    So many fantastic goodies. Have a spooky Halloween!

  7. What a wonderful swap Lynn! I also got one of your cards and love it. Poe is one of my favorite themes!


  8. Happy Halloween Lynn, hope you are keeping ok. Fantastic swap gifts you received and what a great selection your sending too, love the coffin. Tracy Evans x

  9. Those are some fabulous Halloween goodies and ATC cards! Can't wait to see what you conjure up!

    Halloween hugs to you!

  10. There was some great swapping going on here...what loot!...gorgeous ATC´s exchanged too. Hope you are feeling fine...and happy rest of the Halloween!

  11. And Happy Halloween to you, Lynn! What a wonderful mail treat! And I'm sure she'll be pleased with yours as well!

  12. Looks like Christmas at Halloween, and sounds like you are feeling much better. Sure hope so.

  13. Happy Halloween!!! Love the cards...

  14. joy! what fabulous treats from your treat partner and wonderful atcs as well. have a happy hallowe'en. so glad you are well again. xo

  15. Ooooh, Part I looks fablulous. She'll be thrilled.

    So glad to see you are well enough to post. Hope the recovery is coming along well:)

  16. ... and I thought you had to wear a costume and ring doorbells to get such wonderful treats!

    Those Poe cards are beautiful!

  17. great treats. love those Poe ATCs. Hoping you're feeling better each day.

  18. Wow, so many wonderful things!!! It looks like you had a couple of great swaps!!!

    I'm happy to see you around here too!!! I trust this means you're getting better and better!!!

  19. Amazing ATCs.

    What a super bundle of stash from your swap...hope you have great fun creating.

    Toni :o)

  20. Looks like a wonderful swap.. How fun.. Hope you had a Happy Halloween.. Hugs, Linda

  21. You are such a good planner that you at least got part of your swap out on time. I'm amazed that you are already playing catch up and I just know that before long, you'll be in full swing.

    Great gifts and the cards are very interesting looking.

  22. These Poe cards look really fabulous!


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