Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Conductor

This week for my post on Artistic Outpost
I would like to share another Steampunk Creation. Using the new Steampunk plate. I used the Antiqued Glimmers technique from TJ as the base for the train image.

I feel rather connected to these images. You see my Grandfather whom sadly I never met, worked on the railroad most of his life. I can remember my Grandma telling stories on how he would bring hobos who were riding the rails home for dinner for a hot meal. He had a big heart that was full of compassion. I suppose its a tribute to the Great man he was!


  1. Love this piece hun if't the business ;0)

    Love Dawn xx

  2. a sweet story, Lynn! Love your steampunk creations - this one is terrific, too!

  3. This is fantastic!!! Those new stamps rock, and I LOVE this piece! I have no doubt your grandfather would, too!

  4. Lynn -

    This is such a beautiful piece, I love the vintagey look of it. Just beautiful and your grandfather sounded like a wonderful man. It is so sad you never got to meet him. I am so lucky I got to meet both of mine. I just adored the two of them and I miss them very much.

    Elaine Allen

  5. What a fabulous piece--and a heartwarming story to go with it! Don't you love learning things like that about our ancestors? I'm sure he really was a wonderful man--thanks for sharing this today!

    Hope your day is off to a great start!

  6. I LOVE this, what a wonderful homage to yoour Grandfather. I'm finding myself hooked on steampunk these days!

  7. Lynn - this is such a cool piece. Where do you get your hardware and embellishments or do you make them? Beautiful work!

  8. How wonderful and beautiful... I also like to create thinking of my loved ones.. My grandmother brings out some of the best art in me!

  9. great card Lynn, and what a nice tribute to your grandfather.

  10. The Conductor is very cool, what a great piece.

  11. Wonderful piece, Lynn. What a tribute to your grandfather! Lovin' your steampunk pieces!

  12. WOW- is all I can say! I have similar history- G-Grandpa worked on the railroad- LOVE your card- it is fabulous!!!

  13. What a wonderful tribute to your grandfather :) He sounds like a wonderful man!! I love how you've combined the different elements into this wonderful steampunk piece!!


  14. This is wonderful. I love what you did with the parchment paper look, coming off the card.

  15. awesome card, Lynn!
    Hugs and smiles

  16. Lynn, love your card and the wonderful tribute to your grandfather. Unlike you I was able to know my grandfather who worked on the railroad also and used to love to the stories he and my grandma would share about the hobos that he used to bring home for dinner. They didn't have a lot themselves, but they shared with everyone even so. Your grandfather is smiling down on your wonderful story of him. Blessings and hugs....

  17. Lyn that is a touching story...and one to remember about the hard times and the generosity of those days.. Your piece of art is truly a it..
    connie paxman

  18. Lynn, this is wonderful. The back story makes for as interesting reading as the lovely art. I've yet to try steampunk, but I'm going to have to soon if you keep inspiring me.

  19. Such a fantastic, masculine collage Lynn! LOVE it!

  20. Hey there, Lynn!! Just read your comment on my blog (from weeks ago!)--sorry I've been so out of touch!! Things are fine--just missing my creativity lately!!! Love those steampunk stamps from AO--why do I have a suspicion that you were somehow responsible for that theme, hmmm? Like you, my grandpa also worked on the railroad--48 years on the Chesapeake and Ohio. I used to love his stories, many of which are not suitable for prime time! (Unlike your sweet grandpa, mine was a hellraiser--guess I come by it honestly!) The B&O Railroad stamps from Cornish Heritage Farms are a favorite of mine, especially since the C&O and B&O merged to eventually become the current CSX. I'm going to try to catch up on my blog browsing now--haven't even been doing that! Of course, yours is the first one I have to take a look at! Take care, doll!

  21. My Oh My, Lynn!! This is my favorite Steampunk piece yet! So many stunning details on this one... absolutely fabulous!

  22. Very interesting, and a great tribute, just love love love this piece!

  23. WONDERFUL card... I just got some Artistic Outpost stamps I need to get them out... thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words.

  24. This is absolutely fab-you-lous! Great work!

  25. L ~
    I just adore your steampunk creations and this one is especially meaningful with your grandfather's story! I had to follow your picture over from another blog just because it made me think of you and I wondered what you were doing this weekend ~ so glad I did! Blessings ~ k

  26. what a great card. I love the way you use loads of layers in your creations as there is so much to look at. I love all the rusty elements on this card and what a great homage to your kind welsh grandad worked down the slate mines and he looked very much like this image with his waistcoat and hat

  27. Lynn - I just got my stamps from Artistic Outpost and made an really close to this! I didn't see yours until after, really, I was suprised at how close they were! Marva


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